Hello @dev_team@webtop_team
I have been using ClearOS with Thunderbird and Android for my email, calendar and address book. ClearOS uses Caldav for Calendar syncing. I recently setup NethServer with Webtop, connected my device to neth. Emails syncs fine, but no calendar or address book sync. What can i do to sync my calendar with Webtop?
I dont really need CalDav if ActiveSync works works with WebTop. I am having Zero success connecting Android device to Webtop on Exchange/ActiveSync. I keep getting error Check Server Settings. Is there any documentation/instruction some sort on how to setup Activesync on Nethserver/Webtop? IMAP working fine with any device. But i would really like to setup Activesync so i can sync email and calendar both at the same time.
I am happy to report that I actually connected my Android device and Thunderbird successfully with Webtop. The problem was the SSL. I have a wildcard SSL from Comodo which i tried to install and thats what broke the connection. I did fresh install with default Nethserver self signed SSL and the IMAP/ActiveSync connection worked great.
Do i need to do something special to install my own SSL? Is there any instruction on installing 3rd party SSL properly?
I have successfully installed letsencrypt cert and can sync email, calendars, and contacts with my android phone. I can also sync email and contacts with Thunderbird but not calendars. Am I missing something?
@alefattorini are there any status updates? As I can see, in the webtop5 roadmap the point “CardDav/CalDav support” is crossed out. What does that mean? It’s already done or just “Is not done!”?
It means that the CardDAV/CalDav support has been removed from the roadmap.
AFAIK it was removed since there weren’t enough requests from customers, but I’m sure @nethcman and @webtop_team have a better answer.