NethServer Version: 7.4
Module: hotsync
Has anybody an idea how to install the nethserver-cockpit-hotsync module?
Thank for helping?
NethServer Version: 7.4
Module: hotsync
Has anybody an idea how to install the nethserver-cockpit-hotsync module?
Thank for helping?
The place to look for a howto is either the (online) manual or the wiki.
Beware of the warning, hotsync is BETA.
I did
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-cockpit-hotsync
but get: No package … available
I just did a quick search for the package on
Looks like the hotsync package is only available for NS7.4 and not for 7.5
It’s listed here:
@giacomo: has the hotsync option been removed intentionally for 7.5? Or is it not ready yet for 7.5?
The hotsync is still available for 7.5, but the UI is not because cockpit UI has been refactored.
We will bring it back when Cockpit will be ready for 7.5.
OK! Thank´ s
Hi giacomo !
Is the Hotsync GUI already ready?
And You find in
It can be possible to administrate HotSync from cockpit web graphical interface installing nethserver-cockpit-hotsync.
I think it is no more compatible, it needs to be rewritten
For your happiness I’m working on it. I will update you asap!
@stephdl is right, current implement needs to be rewritten.
Please don’t
I have a sad announcement to do: we are dropping the support for hotsync. After months of internal discussions, we took this decision last Monday.
The software didn’t age well and has many bugs which were never fixed. I also know that it raises a lot of very difficult support requests.
We are working on the retirement plan, I hope we will have an official statement soon.
If anybody want to maintain the package, I will move it to nethforge
. Otherwise it will probably removed from the updates
That’s not good news!!!
Hotsync saved me in a disaster situation. OK, the rcovery wasn’t perfect and I had some manual work to do. But when you know what to, it works really well. And I had my company online and 80% restored within 2 hours. I was really happy with it.
Do you plan to implement a real HA-support as a replacement?
Any replacement?
I’m glad to here, but it’s not robust enough to guarantee a good professional support.
I’d be really happy to move it on forge, if someone would like to take care of the project.
No, it’s too hard to support and it’s not a target for NethServer.
There are plenty if you switch to a VM using an hypervisor with HA.
We are looking to Proxmox Storage Replication - Proxmox VE and PVE-zsync - Proxmox VE
Please move it to nethforge, I believe in the community developers
Yes, move it on NethForge! I will take care of it
Today I hope to open a Cockpit interface PR.
Great initiative!
Would you like to join the Development team - NethServer Community ?
IMVHO this is bad.
Because without software HA, this must be implemented via hardware, with business continuity solutions and not with a application cluster approach.
Moreover, if somethings cracks on Nethserver, the only solution is restore from backup, losing maybe a lot of data (expecially email messages).
Anyway, this is only my opinion.
You don’t need to ask it Yes of course!
This is great news!!! Thanks a lot. I’m not a developer, but I’m willing to help with testing or translating or what ever I can do. Ping me if you need someone for the simple tasks.
You’re not allone my friend! I’m with you. Something to have like hotsnc or another solution for a “poor mans HA” is a feature that makes a difference to others. Datasecurity and restoring is essential and only to have the backup of last night, is defenetely not enough these days IMO.
Same with us, we´re still using hotsync with a Mirror Server at our Institute. We did´nt need it so far, but I think it´s still the best possibility for a fast restore after a Server crash.