Help to configure PPPoE

I have Century Link Fiber so checked this topic if I need to setup PPPOE now that i install the OS I need to run each command one at a time is that current?

This is how:

  1. Setting up PPPoE Interface via WebGUI
  2. Typing this parameteres to the command line:

db networks set eth1.201 vlan role pppoe

db networks settype ppp0 xdsl

db networks setprop ppp0 role red user myusername Password mypassword

signal-event interface-update

db networks setprop eth1 role ‘’

Can you help him?

Hi @Angelo_Restrepo and welcome to NethServer community.

If I remember correctly, the PPPoE configuration is available from the Nethgui UI only (https port 980)

Once it is configured from the Nethgui UI, no additional setup should be needed.

I hope it helps!

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Davide Principi |

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I had the OS installed on unattended case that was the only way I could install it on my system. Then I went and typed network-recovery and assigned but I could not connect to the GUI with the port you mentioned I most be missing a speed to get to the GUI.