Help onlyoffice

Versione sistema
NethServer release 7.5.1804 (final)
Versione kernel

Hi everyone
My problem is that or put Nethserver 7.5 final
Ed or installed via onlyoffice app but nothing I can not open the whole white page files.
Or tried to perform the step by step procedure but no problem.
How do I start onlyoffice for having an own office create and edit Word, Exel ect.ect.
Thanks for your attention

Hi Antonio,

Onlyoffice integrates in Nextcloud as a Nextcloud app. You may create and edit office documents there.

After installing Nextcloud please run

signal-event nethserver-onlyoffice-update

to make onlyoffice work.


Excellent thanks now I managed to make it work. But only locally can I open files via onlyoffice
If I try remotely gives me the following message: ONLYOFFICE can not be reached. Please contact admin or tried to open port 8082 on the router but nothing the same message.
Now where am I wrong …

Can you reach https://yourpublicdomain:8082 ?

Did you setup the public host name correctly?

1 Like

Hello forgive me my delay but I was sick, or tried to fix the name of the public IP host
And or the following problem that remotely would seem to work but a little bit of uploading OnlyOffice gives me the following message (the document will not be saved Please check the connection or contact your administrator When you click the ok button you will be prompted to download the document
find more information adout connecting document server here)
and if I go into local with IP 192.168.X.X (ONLYOFFICE can not be reached.) Please contact your administrator)

Sorry for the late answer…

Did you update onlyoffice? With newer versions you may need this:

Are there relevant errors in the logfiles?

  • /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/docservice/err.log
  • /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/nginx.error.log
  • /var/lib/nethserver/nextcloud/nextcloud.log


A module update should fix the permission problem now:

yum update nethserver-onlyoffice

I’ve same problem i correct this with an entry
in nginx


server {
listen [::]:8082 default_server;

cause ssl is in use and is there bevor

oe bad english

1 Like

Do you use the module? There should be no need to change the nginx config file.


Tried several attempts that I will try to fold:
Then either updated as I told you but nothing always usually problem
And or tried changing: Set host / domain
config setprop fw_onlyoffice host IP Public
config setprop fw_onlyoffice IP localhost
But in this way I can only access from a local that is not a problem
If instead facio:
config setprop fw_onlyoffice host IP Public
config setprop fw_onlyoffice host IP Public

In Locale, I only see the files but I try to open with onlyoffice
He tells me that I have to ask the administrator for permission
BUT if I try to access the files via onlyoffice remotely with Public IP gives me the following problems that I attach the photos
How can I access both locally and remotely to files via onlyoffice
Which is uploaded to NextClaud on the Nethserver 7.5 server?

Also tried this but always with the usual problem

Why is there an exlemation mark on the lock of the https connection? Clicking the i next to it will tell you more.

1 Like

Did you allow self signed certs? It may be necessary when you want to browse locally.

Hello Markus

I try to instll it 2 on 7.6 1810. Only LDAP, Ferrpbx, Nextcloud and onlyoffice.

when iam opening
The answer is" Document Server is running"

looks like a problem with the certs :frowning:

Test Nethserver is running in a VM on XCP-NG 7.6 (based on Xenserver 7.6 but free)
I am sitting behind a Fritzbox router, that has a bad DNS/DHCP Server, With DYNDNS by provider. With self cetificats as a subdomin. I will use OnlyOffice internal or via VPN.

I dindt Know why AVM dont let the user change the DNS and FQN of the router…

At this time i am a lill bit confused :frowning:

cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/onlyoffice-documentserver.conf

HTTPS host

server {
  listen ssl;
  listen [::]:8082 ssl default_server;

  server_tokens off;
  root /usr/share/nginx/html;

  ## Strong SSL Security
  ssl on;
  ssl_certificate /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key;
  ssl_verify_client off;


2019/01/10 08:28:04 [emerg] 21720#0: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use)
2019/01/10 08:28:04 [emerg] 21720#0: bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)
2019/01/10 08:28:04 [emerg] 21720#0: still could not bind()
2019/01/10 08:29:40 [emerg] 24266#0: invalid port in "" of the "listen" directive in /etc/nginx/conf.d/onlyoffice-documentserver.conf:13

## var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/docservice/err.log
Error: Config file /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json cannot be read
    at Config.util.parseFile (/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:752:11)
    at /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:595:28
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:591:14
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Config.util.loadFileConfigs (/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:590:13)
    at new Config (/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:136:27)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:1638:31)
    at Module._compile (module.js:577:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:586:10)
    throw new Error('Config file ' + fullFilename + ' cannot be read');

Error: Config file /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json cannot be read
    at Config.util.parseFile (/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:752:11)
    at /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:595:28
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:591:14
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Config.util.loadFileConfigs (/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:590:13)
    at new Config (/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:136:27)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/DocService/node_modules/config/lib/config.js:1638:31)
    at Module._compile (module.js:577:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:586:10)

is emty

[root@neth ~]# ll /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver
total 24
-r--r----- 1 onlyoffice onlyoffice 6259 Jan 10 20:49 default.json
-r--r----- 1 onlyoffice onlyoffice 1485 Dec 21 23:27 development-mac.json
-r--r----- 1 onlyoffice onlyoffice 1511 Dec 21 23:27 development-windows.json
drwxr-xr-x 2 root       root         53 Jan 10 08:23 log4js
drwxr-xr-x 2 root       root         44 Jan 10 08:23 logrotate
drwxr-xr-x 3 root       root        158 Jan 10 08:23 nginx
-r--r----- 1 onlyoffice onlyoffice 2035 Dec 21 23:27 production-linux.json
-r--r----- 1 onlyoffice onlyoffice 1560 Dec 21 23:27 production-windows.json
drwxr-xr-x 2 root       root        273 Jan 10 08:23 supervisor

I try to folow your How to do

Did you install the module?

I am trying Quickinstall
and than jumping 2 the Nexcloud config
with no cert …

did i forgot some modules ?

I am going to test it.

With the module everything should be set up…

i will try it again 2morow …
and step back 2 the last snapshot

Starting install again
with a Nethserver 7.6 1810, PBX, Cockpit,
No userser and LDAP

Did i had 2 add my local IP 2 the self cert?

You need to set the local IP, I updated the wiki entry:

That could be an issue, unless you set the db parameters correctly.