Help me to translate Nethserver in Romanian language

Sooooooo… Just like I said… I almost finished the translation… We are at 99%… I said almost because there are a few strings that I am not allowed to translate (I don’t know why) and that is why we are not at 100%.

So @Sebastian what’s next? :smile: I can’t wait to see the 100% and of course the first place :grinning:



Awesome job @liviu

@alefattorini what’s the next step to complete and review the translation


Great work @liviu and @Sebastian and the other guys!

@GG_jr would you mind reviewing their translation?

Please install the package from nethserver-testing repo:

 yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-lang-ro

When everything is fine, I’ll add it to software center page.


After installing it we should have the option for romanian language on the login screen? Or is there another way to change the language?

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You’re right, I missed something

Try to update it

yum clean all
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-lang-ro

You should see the Romanian language in the login form.


Yessss! Sorry for my late response!



Don’t thank me. This is what a community is about. Everybody should do what he/she knows to help.


I took a look and it looks pretty nice. But there are things that need to be fixed. Starting tomorrow i will start to fix what i think is wrong.


Guys… just to make sure the translation is fine i am going to ask some questions in romanian so that the romanians here will agree with the translation of some terms.

Bun acum… cateva intrebari:
1 .Cum credeti ca ar fi cel mai corect sa traducem port forwarding? Eu am zis redirectionare port pentru ca in principiu cam asta este. Imi pare rau dar nu am nici un router cu meniu in limba romana la indemana sa vad cum au tradus altii.
2. Cum credeti ca ar fi cel mai bine de tradus traffic shaping? Eu am zis modelare trafic
3. Gateway? Eu am lasat tot gateway… dar nu exista traducere? (parca portal nu suna chiar bine)
4. Credentials? E cel mai bine tradus ca acreditari? Nu ar fi mai bine tradus ca date de conectare?

Well said, you got the culture here :slight_smile:
Just added you to the @translations_team


I think:

  1. redirectionare poarta
  2. modelare trafic
  3. Gateway
  4. date de conectare

Hi guys!

Congrats for your effort!

In my opinion, some established terms, should not be translated.
In some language, including romanian, “not sound well”.


  • port forwarding should be “port forwarding” or “redirectionare port”.
  • traffic shape should be “traffic shape” or " configuratie / configurare trafic" (“format trafic”, “profil trafic”).
  • gateway should be “gateway”
  • credentials can be “date de conectare”; there is a form in romanian as “credentiale” but if is not “credentials” “date de conectare” is a better form.

Don’t forget that who is using such “tools”, knows very well the established terms in english.

Again, just my opinion!


I perfectly agree with you! For gateway i already used gateway, for port forwarding i used redirectionare port but for credentials i used acreditari but i will modify to date conectare… same for traffic shaping. But keep conected because on the way i will ask some more questions :smile:


Well done guys most likely you know to translate better than me. I vote for your translation.


You guys did all the job but I’m glad to help if you need!
:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Ok… Guys… what is bind ldap credentials… i translated as date autentificare ldap (i don’t think it’s related to BIND DNS but i think it.s related with ldap bind meaning autentificare ldap).


Mot a mot is “date de autentificare pentru conectare la ldap”.
Short version, as you said: “date autentificare ldap”.


Max. number of referrers show - Arată numărul maxim de adrese URL sursă (referres tradus ca si adrese URL sursa - se refera la altceva? apare in Awstats)

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Totally agree, I think it’s true for all languages. Should we list such terms? You made already some examples.

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