Guacamole - The requested URL /guacamole/ was not found on this server?

NethServer Version: 7.9
Tried to install Guacamole:

And setup my FQDN with:
config setprop guacd VirtualHost myhostname.privat.lan
signal-event nethserver-guacamole-update

But get this error:

And just with the dedicated virtualhost address (myhostname.privat.lan), without the /guacamole/ part?


config setprop guacd VirtualHost myhostname.privat.lan
signal-event nethserver-guacamole-update

How can I delete the VirtualHost entry?

config delprop guacd VirtualHost
signal-event nethserver-guacamole-update

OK, the command is only for virtualhosts, I think I did a missinterpretation?

It looks good now, will test it… Thank you!

Works perfect! - :grinning:

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