Not something I’ve used before, but it installed without issue on a clean 7.9 box, and I was able to log in as the admin user. It is giving this message:
The password change is obvious, but it looks like install.php ought to be removed.
i believe it’s like with wordpress or joomla and removing the install folder as it stores the mysql login details in plain text while installing the database
To Setup LDAP(Nethserver AD) Under the glpi webinterface go to Setup > Authentication > LDAP directories and fillout the following:
------------------------------LDAP Server Connection------------------------------------
Default server=Servername-(or fqdn either works i believe it’s more of a descriptive name)
Connection Filter=(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname=*)(!(samaccountname=*$)))
Login Field=samaccountname
Synchronization field=objectguid
------------------Binding to the LDAP directory (at least for anyone using Nethserver as ad)-----------------
First name=givenname
Mobile phone=mobile' Picture=thumbnailphotoLocation=%{streetaddress},%{postalcode},%{st},%{co}`
--------------------Belonging to groups--------------
Search type=Users and Groups
User attribute containing its groups=memberof
Filter to search in groups=(objectClass=user)
LDAP directory time zone=yourGMT Offset if unsure check here
Domain name used by inventory tool for link the
then go to Administration > Users
click on [LDAP Directory Link]
Then Click on [Import new users]
and on [expert mode]
and [search]
then do the same for groups