Fix / correct Spanish translation

I have created a pull request to modify the login screen


@giacomo @stephdl @dnutan can you try the pr 333?

Update brandings.css by jgjimenez · Pull Request #333 · NethServer/nethserver-cockpit · GitHub

Well … we are looking a bit far for me … I do not know what is your job, but I am not a web developer

The initial concern was the translation

When applying translations, sometimes they are longer than the English word itself, in my case “Username” is “Nombre de Usuario” and the text box hides the whole word.

I thought you would have that detail.

yes latin (I am too) are too much strange people…I love english for that… simple and efficient

yes, indeed and simplified, but many of my clients have IT staff and do not know how to use it in English.

thanks bro.

No issue on my side without your PR, what is the concern ?

Well I would prefer you use the translation like italien, they use english world that you can understand, spanish translation is too much longer . This is feed for thoughts

I tested the PR No changes in my laptop

I am not sure the fix is inside CSS, change the translation, what do you think @edoardo_spadoni

I reverted my changes, and when using my page at 67%, it looks fine, i.e.; the problem is adaptability.

Like you say…be careful of changes :’(

I could already see that the changes are not so necessary. I’ll leave it there.
Thank you for giving me that light

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I will keep the Spanish translations but I will recommend using it in the English reference language.

It’s pretty similar to Italian, which is “Nome Utente”. Therefore, an italian hint: using only “Usuario” is that a bad idea for style and communication efficacy?

In Italy “utente” seems enough to make people understand…

Here I can also use it, already in transifex make that change Nombre de Usuario per Usuario, but I already saw that the problem was not the translation but the size of the screen or the resolution of the graphic, I reduced from 100% to 75% in my browser and it works smoothly. it’s a matter of adaptability

@giacomo Can you revert all the changes in github from the tests that I’ve been doing?

90% view

I’ve closed all related PRs :slight_smile:

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Thanks bro