When using Webtop5 I’m missing the possibility to sync notes with Activesync. It’s a function I use often and it would make Webtop even better if this was possible.
If I understand correctly is Z-push used for Sync with Webtop, and that supports syncing of notes.
Good work with Webtop!
Hi Kim,
you can do it with Nextcloud and Cloudnotes.
(Luca Gasparini)
March 25, 2022, 1:41pm
Hi Kim,
on Android the synchronization of tasks should work using this app:
On Apple it should work with “reminders” by default
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@oneitonitram :
You can install the app Notes in the Nextcloud instance.
And then on the smartphone (e.g. iPhone) the app CloudNotes.
Of course, this also works with Android.
This seems like an interesting app and solution.
i think this should also be tagged in
The Trouble In Calendars - Chat - NethServer Community
This is what I like with the Nethserver community - quick answers and tip Thanks for the tips, for now I will try nextcloud.
The reason for my posting was that it would be simpler with everything in one system and not spread out in different systems
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