Error when trying to run LigthSquid

Continuing the discussion from Block Range of IPs from Internet:

You need to visit some sites using the proxy before lightsquid can create the reports.

Hi Lewis,

Registrations in Lightsquid will be available next day (the report is created today for yesterday, usually after midnight; I think this is default setting and I don’t know if can be changed).


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@Lewis let us know if you solved

I have not solved the LightSquid error, the server has been running for 24hrs now and I still get the error, I think for now its not a train smash, its getting may bandwidth controlled that I am worried about.

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Hi Lewis,

Please go to the Status - Squid Proxy Reports and then click into Refresh Full button in the Manual refresh section of the bottom of the page and try to open Lightsquid report. I think it will help you to open lightsquid report. In my case it has solved my issue.


generate new report manually for example
and then will be saw your reports