Salut Stéphane
This is a server running now about two years, updated to 7.9.2009 a week ago. No issues so far.
As I would like to change my ERP by end of the year, and I did a test installation a couple of months ago on a test NethServer installation (all worked), I thought I’ll just install this Dolibarr module on my server at home…
My home NethServer is running AD, Files, Nextcloud, MeshCentral, DocuWiki. It is NOT firewall, only one NIC.
Dolibarr as such is a fresh install.
Due to the problems, I removed Dolibarr, checked folders, and reinstalled.
The exact same restults.
I have a FQDN for Dolibarr, https://dolibarr.r7.anwi.ch, but this get’s the same results.
I land on a page with half german, half english error message:
Die Anwendung hat versucht, sich selbst zu aktualisieren, aber die Installations-/Upgrade-Seiten wurden aus Sicherheitsgründen deaktiviert (durch die Existenz einer Sperrdatei **install.lock** im Dokumenten-Verzeichnis).
If an upgrade is in progress, please wait. If not, click on the following link. If you always see this same page, you must remove/rename the file install.lock in the documents directory.
[Hier klicken um zu Ihrer Anwendung zu kommen](https://dolibarr.r7.anwi.ch/admin/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=setup)
If it helps, I can provide logs… (Just a hint which ones…)
All looks ok…
Content of install.lock:
This is a lock file to prevent use of install pages (set with permission 444)