I’ve installed NS7 in VirtualBox 5.2.6 with unattended setup method.
The Adapter1 (supposedly WAN) is connected through the Bridged adapter at
The Adapter2 (supposedly LAN) is connected to Internal Network at 10.x.x.x.
I assigned unexisting domain to my router: vichomemsk.com
The contents of server /etc/resolv.conf:
domain vichomemsk.com
search vichomemsk.com #dnsmasq is enabled on this machine:
My workstation is Linux Mint 18.3
The contents of my workstation /etc/resolv.conf:
search vichomemsk.com
Problem: the server does not get DNS service from my router.
I can ping my router at, I can ping Google DNS at but I can’t ping google.com:
ping: google.com: Name or service not known
The directive
search vichomemsk.com
works in the workstation, but does not work in the server
Could it be that Adapter1 was LAN and Adapter2 was WAN?
I tried to switch them and at the moment nothing works altogether - both are down.
Please help!
currently both NICs are down. I can put them up, but they get no ip addresses. Have no idea what to do, why they don’t connect? It happened after I tried to reconfigure Interface1 (VM Adapter1, enp0s3) role in server configuration page. The interface2 (VM Adapter2, enp0s8) was down.
With ip addr or ifconfig you can see interfaces and IPs.
With ifconfig enp0s3 you may set an IP for an adapter. This should make the web UI work again. Please take care that your virtualbox network adapters are set up for a virtual machine gateway configuration, see the wiki link I posted before.
as this topic and DNS Issue (probably bug) and DNS Issue/bug after resetting the network adapters
Look like I face nearly the same issue,
i set the dns server,but suddenly there is no resolve of request
it’s work sometimes and others not
I’m not sure where is the wrong?
I’m making changes using :980 interface
> # 25NameServers
> #
> # Don't read /etc/resolv.conf. Get upstream servers only from the
> # command line or the dnsmasq configuration file.
> no-resolv
> # Specify IP address of upstream servers directly. Setting this flag
> # does not suppress reading of /etc/resolv.conf, use "no-resolv" to do
> # that.
> {
> foreach (split ',', $dns{NameServers}) {
> $OUT .= "server=$_\n";
> }
> }
> # By default, dnsmasq will send queries to any of the upstream
> # servers it knows about and tries to favour servers that are known
> # to be up. Uncommenting this forces dnsmasq to try each query
> # with each server strictly in the order they appear in
> # /etc/resolv.conf
> all-servers
# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# ================= DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE =================
# Manual changes will be lost when this file is regenerated.
# Please read the developer's guide, which is available
# at NethServer official site: https://www.nethserver.org
domain ih.loc
search ih.loc
# dnsmasq is enabled on this machine:
even when try
# signal-event nethserver-dnsmasq-update
# signal-event interface-update
No Luck.
so is considered as @vistad issue
the nethserver working in Virtualization and spread networks bridged (green,red)
installed using neth ISO
Best Regards