Create a "Howto translate NethServer" page on wiki

@jgjimenezs what do you think to create a new wiki page called for example “Howto translate NehServer in your language”
gathering these stuff:

Describing how to join the team, meet other translators, etc…
Maybe our amazing translators team might help: @gsiotas, @jgjimenezs, @mabeleira, @Lincee, @jelle, @msx, @alecks, @WolfAddict, @vcc, @bernhard_weber, @drivemeca
What about?


I think it is a good idea to explain how Transifex works. Allthough it is quite intuitive and self-explanatory, for new translators it might lower the gap to help tranlating NS in as many languages as possible.


It is a good idea, so the learning curve is less and less time could have new languages for NS. Look for a time and try to make a “Howto” to Transifex, as simple as possible. Beginning in Spanish.


There’s already a good video from @jgjimenezs would you like to add some details?

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In the video the whole process is, but no voice, I think that would be what can be improved.

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Re-reading the topic of this discussion this might be not about Transifex. The wiki is multilingual but most pages are only available in English.
I agree that a decent howto on how to translate the wiki is needed too.


I don’t know if the Translation team have lot of stuff to explain their work, show their work and invite newcomer to participate.
For now, I see Nothing in the wiki, and let a place in the developer corner.

Depend on the size of the Translation stuff, perhaps it could be a good ideau to have their own wiki page, at the same level than userguide, developer, quality

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I agree, there are already several guides around so we should just rearrange them in 1-2 easy HowTos in the wiki.
@Hunv and @jgjimenezs would be more than willing to help!

I can create a guide next week how to use the translation platform and using github


The page is already done.

We have to fill it :laughing:

Take a look at user guides and developer howtos to have inspiration

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We need stuff to present the tool too :wink:

All documentations is welcome to make things smoother and easy

All stuff are already there, we need just to gather them together and write down a comprehensive guide.
It’s very easy and a matter of minutes, I think

As always,
Make this task cool and easy.

Present and show your shiny tool.
Give an exemple.

The reader, the user, the potential translator when reading must think “oh, it’s easy, I will do"
"it’s not too long, I will not waste time: I will do”.

Edit: I think the same advise is valuable for the Bug report :wink:

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Is there any volunteer from @translations_team @german_team or @spanish_team ?

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Created manual for translating administrator manual.

Please review!


I’m not a git guru, but I’m not sure that step 10. Delete your fork on Github (optional) is a good idea.
You can always pull modifications from origin.
Any git expert can shed light on this?

Great work!

Yes, you don’t need to delete your fork, but sometimes if there are conflicts the simplest solution is to start with a new clean repo :slight_smile:


@Hunv great work! I think that out @translations_team will appreciate it!
We should add another manual to our list :slight_smile: which?

The translation manual can be advanced by the Transifex-Part. I think there are already some instructions in this forum. So maybe it would just be copy-paste.

I like this doc very much, is there anyone who want help me to setup this page gathering all available howtos about translation? We can start off with a search here in community.
@translations_team @german_team @spanish_team