I think it is a good idea to explain how Transifex works. Allthough it is quite intuitive and self-explanatory, for new translators it might lower the gap to help tranlating NS in as many languages as possible.
It is a good idea, so the learning curve is less and less time could have new languages for NS. Look for a time and try to make a “Howto” to Transifex, as simple as possible. Beginning in Spanish.
Re-reading the topic of this discussion this might be not about Transifex. The wiki is multilingual but most pages are only available in English.
I agree that a decent howto on how to translate the wiki is needed too.
I don’t know if the Translation team have lot of stuff to explain their work, show their work and invite newcomer to participate.
For now, I see Nothing in the wiki, and let a place in the developer corner.
Depend on the size of the Translation stuff, perhaps it could be a good ideau to have their own wiki page, at the same level than userguide, developer, quality
I agree, there are already several guides around so we should just rearrange them in 1-2 easy HowTos in the wiki. @Hunv and @jgjimenezs would be more than willing to help!
All stuff are already there, we need just to gather them together and write down a comprehensive guide.
It’s very easy and a matter of minutes, I think
Present and show your shiny tool.
Give an exemple.
The reader, the user, the potential translator when reading must think “oh, it’s easy, I will do"
"it’s not too long, I will not waste time: I will do”.
Edit: I think the same advise is valuable for the Bug report
I’m not a git guru, but I’m not sure that step 10. Delete your fork on Github (optional) is a good idea.
You can always pull modifications from origin.
Any git expert can shed light on this?
The translation manual can be advanced by the Transifex-Part. I think there are already some instructions in this forum. So maybe it would just be copy-paste.