Phone Home is a nice feature I think, I’d like to see all NethServer in that map
You could configure it during the configuration wizard BUT we choose to set the checkbox on “No, thanks” by default
As a result many Nethserver doesn’t currently communicate data and that’s a pity!!
What do you think? Should We change it or not? Please fill out the survey
I vote NO, user have to be able to enable Phone Home at his discretion.
I know that anonymous stats cannot damage reservedness of user and can improve product puality with thousands of feddback but it is more correct to let it be the user decide.
Is in principle.
I was spoken only of the checkbox validated by default, sorry for my imprecision. But in other Hand a lot of projects collects statistics on the use of their products…and a lot don’t ask if you are agree.
The enabled by default setting, its not the same that the right to enable
or disable it. The point is you can set it as you want, but is by default
enabled, or not.
It’s already like this, you MUST choose. My question regards default checkbox, because i’d like invite people to share something like “ehi! I’m here! I love NethServer”
NethServerian sounds better than NethServerizien @davidep thank you! @stephdl@mabeleira@alefattorini I understood what you meant but my vote still remain for checkbox default value NO.
At the moment poll is 9 YES and 5 NO so I think I will lose