Phone Home Released

Do you want to show your NethServer installation on this map?

You should permit to your NethServer to Phone Home!
This tool is used to track all NethServer’s installations around the world. Each time a new NethServer is installed, this tool sends some installation information through comfortable APIs.

The information are stored in database and used to display nice markers in a Google Map view with number of installation grouped by country and release.

The informations actually are

  • a random unique ID, identifying the machine
  • the NethServer version
  • the IP address

Follow the docs to configure it properly:

The informations actually are

  • a random unique ID, identifying the machine
  • the NethServer version
  • the IP address

You can check it directly from nethserver-phonehome source code.

Thanks to have clarified, just updated the announcement

@alefattorini Please, add also the “NethServer version”!

Sure! Added. Thanks, hope this clarify!

@alefattorini and @davidep my private NethServer phone home!

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That’s a good news! Welcome to your NethServer on Phone Home planet :wink:

Do you know this fantastic chrome extension developed by @alessandro_polidori? Kudos for him! :+1:

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Folks, we’re conquering the world!


:wink: I see Uruguay now


Conquer Kamchatka! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Venezuela is already in Phone Home @alefattorini :beers:



There are countries, like South Korea that appear in red without number.
What’s mean?
There are one or more Nethserver where Phone is not activated? Or there are one or more Nethserver where Phone-home was activated and desactivatted few time later?s

Weird, only @edoardo_spadoni can answer :smile:

when PhoneHome refresh on
i enabled it and it doesn’t show there- for slovenia

@edoardo_spadoni could you take a look?

Each NethServer machines sends its status to Phone Home every week. The involved script is:

You can force the update of the map by launching manually the script. Let me know if you have any problem. :slight_smile:


@edoardo_spadoni tnx i will try that

@edoardo_spadoni i tryed force update but it didn’t work becasue there was wrong path to UUID in the script.
before UUID was set to UUID=/sbin/e-smith/config getprop phone-home uuid and then in changed it to /var/lib/yum/uuid just like in docs.