Hi all,
i’m looking for a cheap VPS server to install NethServer, i have tryed ovh, aruba, DigitalOcean, etc…
Now i’m trying Contabo.
They offer
CPU: Two cores
Disk Storage: 500 GB SSD-boosted
BW: 100 Mbit/s port
Unlimited traffic: No additional costs due to traffic (if average
traffic consumption continuously exceeds 60 Mbit/s over a timespan of at
least 5 days the connection is switched to 10 Mbit/s).
At 7.99 €/month
I have successfuly installed both NethServer 6.7 and NethServer 7.2 without problem.
Do you know any better offer (compatible with Nethserver ) in this price range ?
There is a very cheap provider in Italy: https://www.arubacloud.com/
For the smallest VPS it is only EUR1,- per month
I use a VPS in the Netherlands and pay EUR10,- per month for more or less the same configuration. I don’t know what the service is with arubacloud.com. With the dutch VPS I have great support and have had next to no outage in the last 3 years.
No I currently do not use arubacloud. But it is one of the cheapest options I have seen. I have tried arubacloud for 2 weeks, but only with a standard linux distro (in my case ubuntu server LTS) with a LAMP stack where I used www.tiki.org and www.drupal.org, just for testing purposes.
It’s been quite some time since this discussion started. @jackyes, are you still using Contabo? What is your experience with this provider? Any (unexpected) downltime? Low performance?
I am curious since I would like to consider switching.