I want to change the IP address of an already set-up Samba domain controller. How should I configure it?
I changed the IP address of AlmaLinux 9, which is hosting NethServer 8, and updated the new IP address in /home/samba1/.config/state/environment. After rebooting, I was able to access the NethServer 8 web UI with the new IP address. However, when I checked the IP address of the Samba provider, it still had the old information, and I could not reference the user information.
Thank you very much for your response and the assistance you provided.
I am truly grateful for your help.
[root@al93ns8org99 ~]# api-cli run module/samba1/set-ipaddress --data ‘{“192.168.100.xx”:“ip”}’
Warning: using user “cluster” credentials from the environment
Validation errors: [(root): ipaddress is required]
[{“parameter”: “(root)”, “error”: “(root)_required”, “value”: {“192.168.100.xx”: “ip”}, “field”: “(root)”}]
Is it correct to run these commands on the Nethserver host, or should they be run elsewhere?
The reason I sent that to you is because that is what I was going through yesterday and I came across your poset and it looked like the same issue and thought I would pass it along.
Also, what is the underlining OS Linux distro of your device. Mine is debian. I had to do this in root. So I had to do
su -
and login as root. I figure you are probably in root doing this. but just in case I thought I would add that.
I fixed the issue yesterday with @davidep 's help. Go ahead and read through the following post. The solution is close to the end. Here is the post you should read.
Hi @ntk725, the above command inverts the expected order of “ip” and “192.168.100.xx”. It is not the JSON object the action expects and prints the error: Validation errors: [(root): ipaddress is required].
As Jeff says, you’ve to be root to run a command like the following (replace your IP):
api-cli run module/samba1/set-ipaddress --data '{"ipaddress":""}'
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Warning: using user “cluster” credentials from the environment
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