Can't access shared folder

NethServer Version: NethServer 7.8.2003

Hello Guys, I have installed file server on my nethserver and configured the active directory. But the problem is when I created a new folder and setup permission on the new created user it always appears the screenshot below

no permission

I am pretty sure that my credential is correct. Thanks.

Can anybody help me what is this problem?

it appears when I reset the permission on the shared folder? Thanks.

Please try to connect via name instead of IP like \\neth\testing123 with credentials like ADDOMAIN\username.
Does it work if you reboot the client?

Errors should be logged in /var/log/messages.

Does it work in the new server manager?

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Thanks @mrmarkuz but still the same. I have reinstalled the nethserver again and now its working fine. It’s really weird why is it happens, but I solved the issue using reinstalling. Thank you!