After a little searching, I was able to find the location for SMB shared folders. Nestled in /var/lib/nethserver is a folder that is called ibay, this directory is the place that you shared folders are created and stay. I have no idea why, but that is where they end up. I also found that home / profiles / netlogon / print_driver / and ibay (shared SMB folders) are all in the /var/lib/nethserver directory.
My interest is to mount ibay as it’s own mounted location. I have a full 1TB Raid 1 partition that I would like to setup as the ibay mount and allow the created shared samba folders to reside.
I have had the same issue, the way I am managing this is by using symbolic links and mounting the partition to /media, but in theory your solution should work, only difference is that I don’t like using UUIDs and would specify the partition ID instead (eg sdb1).
Medworthy thanks for chiming in… much appreciated.
So would you suggest me putting the following?
/dev/md3 /data ext4 defaults 0 0
/dev/md3 /data ext4 defaults,acl,auto 1 1
and for symbolic linking would that mean that I create a Shared Folder and then change that in ibay folder, I create a symbolic link as the folder that will point to /data? or am I not thinking of this correctly?
Link also causes permissions problems; my experience anyways. What I did was use mounts bind option in fstab so there was no linking of files, the original data structure still exists but points to a separate folder on a RAID 5 configuration.
/mnt/md124/music /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/music auto bind,gid=46,defaults 0 0
If you modify fstab, be sure to check the documentation about keeping the changes, they are lost on subsequent reboots if you don’t.
I went ahead and tried the symboliclink /var/lib/nethserver to /data and placing the /dev/md3 /data ext4 defaults,acl,auto 1 1 in fstab.
So far it is working fine. I have not had issues with permissions problems. But it hasn’t been running very long. If it ends up being a problem and I start seeing permission problems or other issues I will let you know.
Thanks Lsllpfd19 for posting an alternative, if I should need a backup plan I will move that direction.