Calendar server

Is there a way to initial a Calendar server in Nethserver 7?
Thank you in advance.

We need to implement it, there are some toughts/starting points:

Do you have experience with calendar servers on centos?

As alternative you may use EAS (with webtop or sogo), it supports calendars and contacts too.

I don’t have experice at all with Linux so sorry for the noob questions.
These are my first steps.
I’m checking now Webtop and your link.
Thank you.

You’re welcome. If you have questions feel free to ask. We all did our first steps sometime.

Could you please explain a little bit more what you are looking for?

NethServer already have SOGo and WebTop for calendar sharing.
But I can’t get if this could be a solution for you.

I’m looking for a calendar like in Outlook with options to share, invite etc.
I’m looking into WebTop to see if

Both WebTop and SOGo can do what you’re looking for, and you can also share everything with your mobile devices.

Take a look:

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Thank you very much.
I’mI trying now to understand how the notification system works.
Tried to set an appointment notification to mail but it didn’t work.

I have a similar need. My client use an external IMAP server for e-mails, and Thunderbird / Outlook to sync it on they desktops. In case of computer change, all contacts and calendar are lost.

Would SOGO or Webtop help me to solve this setup? Without using they as mailserver? Only to sync calendar and contacts?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad Brazilian english :slight_smile:

You need to create users on your NethServer (they can have the same credentials of external IMAP server - be sure FQDN is not the same of ext. IMAP server) and you can choose to use SOGo or Webtop to share and create calendars and contacts.
Then on Thunderbird you can easily use CardDav and CalDav (e.g. using Lightning plugin); for Outlook you can use Outlook CalDav Synchronizer
Refer here: