Building Cockpit together

My bad: we do not have a document describing the road map. You can find some info in the forum, we also talked a bit together at FOSDE, and finally some marginal notes ares on my private workstation :smiley:

We are focusing now on 3 main tasks:


Thanks for the explanation! :grinning:
Would it be a good idea to move this information to the Project feature of GitHub?
I also noticed that the issue-tab is disabled in the cockpit repository, is that intentional?

The issue tab is disabled because all issues are centralized here: GitHub - NethServer/dev: NethServer issue tracker

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Once we used the project board inside the cockpit repo to track the first alpha.
The problem is keeping it up to date, honestly I don’t have the time to do it :frowning:

Still, there is a NS board here:

Okay, I understand that these things need fostering…
However this makes it difficult for new guys like my to find their way into the codebase and get an overview. Also a issue-list of not-too-hard bugs or easy features would be very helpful in order to find my way into the code. This is where a project board combined with a separate issue list would be very helpful!


Now there’s an Ejabberd Cockpit application on development:

According to Cockpit guidelines, we must rework our code to remove the “content-security-policy” directive from “manifest.json” files:“content-security-policy”&type=Code

To make the Ejabberd Cockpit UI work without the blamed CSP “unsafe-inline” directive the JS code was separated from the HTML partials code.

  • <script> tag contents goes to app.js or other static JS file
  • style= HTML attributes cannot be used

We could fix the “nethserver-cockpit-empty” kickstart repo accordingly, starting from here for example:

What do you think?

This seems a reasonable limitation to have better security, but does it work with VueJS? I have no idea, maybe @edoardo_spadoni can help us here.

If it works and doesn’t break existing things, go with with CSP enabled.

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You could start with some simple applications which need porting like fail2ban, UPS or nextcloud.

Take a look to GitHub - NethServer/nethserver-mattermost and GitHub - NethServer/nethserver-ejabberd for some inspiration! :wink:

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some bad question…

  • Whats about securety with cockpit?

  • witch web browser ist save for using cockpit ?

  • did cockpit uses java ?

thx axel

You can find many info online.

No, thanks god! :smiley:

We can load pages without taking a coffee break :smile:

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As request by @dasois, @davidep has created a Cockpit board:

We will try to keep it updated!


but… but… I like coffee :coffee:


Sick! Thank you! :smile:

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Wonderful news! I love that

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My personal top priority issue would be integration tests, so maybe we can include that into the project board?




Will the Cockpit plug-ins be available, such as, cockpit-machines?

Removing modules (and packages), compatibility with NethGUI
My test server was installed with NethGUI, then it was updated and I installed several packages (and modules) from NethGUI. Now also Cockpit is present.


  • not all NethGUI packages are shown into “Applications”.
  • there’s quite differences between NethGUI software center and Cockpit software center (for instance, i cannot see what modules i already installed)
  • some packages seems needed (dependencies) for installing other (for instance, email seems to have dependencies likes rSpamd, nethserver-mail-filter, nethserver-mail-getmail)
  • for remove packages i must access to Application section because Software Center cannot be used

Just trying to point out the situation, that’s not a complain.
IMHO, at least from Software Center I should be able to:

  • understand what’s installed on the server
  • remove unwanted packages

Both functions are implemented in the Applications page.

Roles are

  • software center to add/update/upgrade,
  • applications to run/remove …but remove is a very secondary function
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