Backup Error after Update

NethServer Version: 7
Module: Backup

After updating Nethserver two days ago, I’m obtaining a backup error.

Extract from log file /var/log/backup-data.log:

2017-09-16 03:00:01 - START - Backup data started
2017-09-16 03:00:06 - STEP - pre-backup-done done
2017-09-16 03:00:08 - ERROR - Backup failed, see /var/log/last-backup.log for details - 4352
2017-09-16 03:00:08 - ERROR - Action backup-data-duplicity failed - 1

Extract from log file /var/log/last-backup.log:

Reading globbing filelist /tmp/Hkncg1IyC6
Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
Deleting local /var/lib/nethserver/backup/duplicity/0005b28a51b8663327f48c4c0dd55fb7/ (not authoritative at backend).
Last inc backup left a partial set, restarting.
Last full backup date: Sun Sep 10 03:00:07 2017
RESTART: The first volume failed to upload before termination.
         Restart is impossible...starting backup from beginning.
Reading globbing filelist /tmp/Hkncg1IyC6
Synchronizing remote metadata to local cache...
Copying to local cache.
Warning, found signatures but no corresponding backup files
Last full backup date: Sun Sep 10 03:00:07 2017
Fatal Error: Unable to start incremental backup.  Old signatures not found and incremental specified

This is the log file…

Last inc backup left a partial set, restarting.
Last full backup date: Sun Sep 10 03:00:07 2017
         Restart is impossible...starting backup from beginning.
Warning, found signatures but no corresponding backup files
Last full backup date: Sun Sep 10 03:00:07 2017
Fatal Error: Unable to start incremental backup.  Old signatures not found and incremental specified

My backup is on Webdav.


Hello @federico.ballarini,

you may just try a full backup and see if incremental backups work afterwards or you may cleanup duplicity as described here:

duplicity cleanup [options] [–force] [–extra-clean] target_url

Don’t use “–force” at first try, because it may throw away your data backups…

Some more links:

How much ram and swap do you have?
And how many files?
duplicity needs some ram per file to backup.
Looking at Graphs, do you see your swap full when the backup is running?

It was a RAM problem.

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