Asterisk 13 and FreePBX 14 on NethServer 7

I tested FreePBX today and updated to and installed/updated all modules, even the commercial ones.
FreePBX complaining about missing sox and mpg123 so I did

yum install sox mpg123

The digium phones module is not working, when applying config I get:

exit: 255
Unable to continue. mkdir(): Permission denied in /var/www/html/freepbx/admin/modules/digium_phones/ on line 50
#0 [internal function]: Whoops\Run->handleError(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/var/www/html/f...', 50, Array)
#1 /var/www/html/freepbx/admin/modules/digium_phones/ mkdir('/var/www/html/d...', 493, true)
#2 /var/www/html/freepbx/admin/modules/digium_phones/classes/digium_phones.php(2019): digium_phones_get_http_path()
#3 /var/www/html/freepbx/admin/modules/digium_phones/classes/digium_phones.php(56): digium_phones->read_customapps()
#4 /var/www/html/freepbx/admin/modules/digium_phones/classes/digium_phones.php(36): digium_phones->load()
#5 /var/www/html/freepbx/admin/modules/digium_phones/ digium_phones->digium_phones()
#6 /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf(585): digium_phones_conf->digium_phones_conf()
#7 {main}

even if it may be just a permission problem, I didn’t change anything, because installing other modules worked so I decided to just remove the digium phones module, which I maybe never need.

Some more issues with modules:

Installing ucp
Updating table ucp_sessions…Done
gcc-c++ is not installed
Error(s) installing ucp:
Failed to run installation scripts
Installing xmpp
MongoDB is not installed
Error(s) installing xmpp
Failed to run installation scripts

Installed gcc-c++ and mongodb-server

yum install gcc-c++ mongodb-server mongodb
systemctl enable mongod
systemctl start mongod

The ucp module did install, but I could not use it. No login with any user and the “forgot password” way leads to “E-Mail address unknown”.
The xmpp module did install, but the letschat process needs 100% of CPU so I asked Google for help and found XMPP upgrade - mongodb not running - letschat 100% cpu - Distro Discussion & Help - FreePBX Community Forums but CPU load kept high and they were discussing a disk space problem in the end.
For now I just removed the xmpp module because using Nethserver jabberd is smarter.
I saw a system firewall module, but this is really redundant on Nethserver.

Setup extension, trunk, outbound route and inbound route and…now I am able to call the speaking clock with a sip client(MicroSip).
Tired now, but the next steps are network/NAT, inbound/outbound calling…and a lot of FreePBX functions.


Hi @mrmarkuz, nice work!

  • I’m adding mpg123 in FreePBX dependecies. Sox should be required by FreePBX RPMs, could you please check your version and requires?

    rpm -q freepbx
    rpm -q --requires freepbx

  • Digium phones module is trying to create a directory under /var/www/html/… You can manually change permissions to allow it, I don’t think that we should allow more writing permissions to asterisk user, it already have too much :smile:
    Maybe you can just create manually the directory. Let me know if you fix it, we should add it to docs

  • UCP is nice and useful it would be great to have it running. I’ll work on it soon, keep me posted if you have more tips. I don’t think we should install gcc-c++ as dependency, I don’t like it in production environment; we can write it on documentation when we’re able to get UCP to work


You are right. Maybe the older version didn’t have sox installed, FreePBX complained about it at dashboard.
[root@server ~]# rpm -q freepbx
[root@server ~]# rpm -q --requires freepbx | grep “sox|mpg123”

Full ACK

Changed permissions of /var/www/html for applying the config. The digium phones module wants to create the directory /var/www/html/digium_phones:
chmod go+w /var/www/html
Change back after applying config:
chmod go-w /var/www/html
But the module won’t work because it needs package asterisk13-res_digium_phone. I googled and found Home - Asterisk Documentation and there should be a free license.

Fully agree. I think it just needs it once to compile (parts of) the module, so I did
yum remove gcc-c++
and UCP still reachable. Don’t know if we can provide c++ only for module updates?

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Managed to login to ucp now. I had to allow the user in “User Management” in FreePBX and set rights for ucp there. Then it’s working.


Can Asterisk integrate with 3CX ?

Hi @Fatade_Femi,

welcome to NethServer Community.

Yes, you may connect them via SIP protocol but please explain what you want to do in detail…

Great, i have an external / mask number my voice service provider provides. The world calls the number and are routed to my organisation to service. Based on the huge calls, i need to engage another company to service some of my specific calls. its would have been easier if the outsourced company is also using 3cx but instead they are making use of Asterisk.

I need to integrate Asterisk and 3cx to be able to configure to specific calls to the outsourced company.

is this workable ?

Yes, it should work:

Ok, does Asterisk have versions or just only one version presently.

NethServer actually uses Asterisk 13.17.2.

In general there are more versions of Asterisk:

That’s cool!! I can’t wait to try asterisk on my webserver!


Try it and let us know what you do think :slight_smile:

I will when i get Neth to recognize my static ips and gateways still struggling hard core…