April Community hangout

the time has come for a new community hangout.
When can we organize it? I wanna see your faces! :slight_smile:

Doode created, let’s fill it:

Hangout Veterans: @davidep @giacomo @filippo_carletti @ironsky @mabeleira @sitz @WillZen @apradoc @Nas @robb @Ctek @dz00te @stephdl @GG_jr @vhinzsanchez @Jim
Some new guys: @jackyes @lvicentini @mark_nl @craaaft @mikabeckerich @Greg @hany @kisaacs @eliezer.axiem @Hunv @bwdjames @a4rgl @Walter_Schoenly @syntaxerrormmm @Adam @marceloeng @firsttiger @MadOp @EddieA @islipfd19 @dnutan @flatspin


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Come on guys a developer has already accepted :slight_smile:
We have a lot of things to discuss

Why not on friday?

I scheduled hours according to my previous working commitments, otherwise I’m not able to host the hangout :slight_smile:

@Hunv @flatspin @robb do you have a different proposal for the hangout scheduler?

I can’t make the hangout this time. My kids will be in hospital getting surgery. (both my son and my daughter suffer from scoliosis and their backs will be fixated. 1week - 10 day hospital and then recovery at home for … ?? unknown…
My daughter will be operated next monday 11th april, my son friday 15th april.
That’s also why I am less active the past few weeks… preparing all this takes a lot of time.

Have a great hangout. I will try to watch the recording later…

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Don’t worry man you’re totally justified!

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Sorry for hear all that about your kids!
I’m sure everything will be fine!
All my best to your kids and to your family!


Because I am doing the Nethserver Stuff in my spare time, in the evening (starting at 18:00) or Friday after lunch would be my preferred times.

Are you refering to Google Hangout? I am available on Saturday from 09:30 to 16:00 UK TIme

Yes, I’m referring to this: http://community.nethserver.org/tags/hangout
Ok, other proposals:
@Hunv: Working days after 16 UTC or Friday afternoon
@bwdjames: Saturday

As for now @WillZen @apradoc @giacomo and me have settled on some hours. Come on guys choose your time! Or propose a new one, maybe next time we can make happy someone else!

As for now @WillZen @apradoc @giacomo and me have settled on some hours. Come on guys choose your time! Or propose a new one, maybe next time we can make happy someone else!

Possible agenda:

  • introduction
  • updates about beta3 status
  • NethServer 7 next months developments
  • ??

Since @apradoc will be attending: any educational topics? Where are we, as a community, standing to use NS in schools? What can we do to progress?

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Kinda out of the loop right now, will be updating myself and making myself available on May hangout.

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Don’t worry, I’ll wait for you :innocent:

Uh, another developer into our hangout participants list
Welcome @davidep :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Linux goes to school with NethServer

What is the day exactly? The possibilities are too wide to choose :stuck_out_tongue:

I know but IMHO a wide choose is better :slight_smile: so more people can join up
Check the doodle above!

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