Allow IP to access PhpmyAdmin remote VPS

  1. For first you need MariaDB module installed… Go in software center and install it.
  2. Alter phpmyadmin installation

# yum -y install phpmyadmin
# service httpd restart

your phpmyadmin page is secured by ip so you cant reach it
You need to edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf file, enter:

# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf


<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin>


Require all granted

or your ip addr


Require ip


<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin> Require all granted </Directory>

after create an user and # service httpd restart you can access phpmyadmin



Some grains of sand

With apache24 you don’t need anymore ‘allow from all’ you use now ‘require all granted’

And also allow phpmyadmin to the www is not a good idea, maybe a ‘require local’ could do the trick and prevent brute force attack

Using a VPS needs remote access

the only solution for more safety is to use allow from ip !?

If you use a vps, indeed you need an access from a remote ip that it might change…Either because your are not at home/office or like me your ip can change. So the solution is to restrict the access to local and use a vpn to access to your webshare.

Edit: after thinking of it…you might also be protected if you install fail2ban and you create a jail against bad login in phpmyadmin

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i’ll check for it… I’ll update

Thanks for this, sounds interesting! :clap: