I have a suggesting for implementation of a small notes app inside the cockpit interface.
this is for admins to take notes within the interface on different changes ad scenario on the server.
Who has an idea, first, what app can be used for this purpose, and to the community generally,
do you think thisis something viable, doable and important?
I think the general idea of notes in cockpit a good idea!
There are a lot of uses for this, depending on Environment.
For SysAdmins, as self reminders for rare cases, or other unusual stuff…
For IT Departments, to keep other Admins informed of special stuff.
A NextCloud Integration would be a very nice Extra (Also for allowing Non-Admins to read the info or for teaching purposes…)
Most “other” Admin Interfaces include description fields (almost everywhere), but this isn’t quite the same.
And in almost all networks, there are from time to time “special cases”.
Like now: “Set because of Corona”… (eg for Home-Workers, Factory closed, etc)
when connecting to proxmox, IIRC we have a textarea note in the dashboard of the VM. The dashboard of cockpit could be a nice place to let monitoring note
brining this topic up again, specifically for nethserver 8, as i beleive the same requiremenets that were there in ns7 as still viabble in nethserver 8.
No, but it does mean unmaintained code. Bugs won’t be fixed, features won’t be added, security vulnerabilities won’t be addressed. If Nethesis are trying to (as they have been consistent with NS7, and I’m sure they still are) use upstream code with minimal (if any) changes or customization, this doesn’t seem like that good of a choice.
If they were to endorse using Cockpit for general server management of NS8 machines (as they ended up doing with NS7), then you have a bunch of additional applications that work with it: