A couple of questions about Owncloud on NethServer

Continuing the discussion from Hello, zentyal refugee here, with a couple of questions:

Just splitted, it could be a good topic to explain better :smile:
@alessandro_polidori can you take a look?

Is nethserver really only on owncloud 5 as the documentation states?

Hy @fasttech,
ownCloud 5 was our first released version. Now it is at the 7.0.4. Try to update it with
yum update nethserver-owncloud

Does nethserver support user integration with owncloud, ie file shares and owncloud user the same?

NethServer ownCloud users are the same of NethServer. To share user files try to play with ā€œmount external foldersā€ app of owncloud, ie here.

Clearos offers a paid module for owncloud, is that nethserverā€™s model?

No, NethServer ownCloud is for the community, so itā€™s free to use wherever you want.

If nethserver is really still on 5, I donā€™t see anything about it in the forums, has anyone done a manual install or upgrade to 7 or 8 even, without breaking the entire server?

As explained above, follow the documentation.

On ubuntu zentyal I was able to easily install owncloud though it was ā€˜standaloneā€™, not integrated into the gui.

NethServer ownCloud is very easy to install, just "1-clickā€ and you can access directly from the Dashboard ā†’ Applications :wink:


Curious that youā€™re on 7.0.4 since 7.0.5 has been out for a bit now, but I havenā€™t checked the ā€˜repoā€™ youā€™re using so Iā€™m not sure why that is.
The owncloud config complains about php, which it sees as 5.3, but without php 5.4 and then apache 2.4 nethserver is going to be on v7 for some time since php 5.4 is a must for owncloud v8.

Version 8 is on the way :wink: no worries!

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Would you mind elaborating on what ā€˜on the wayā€™ means?
Or point me to the roadmap, or dev discussion thread.

I ask because I have a particular impending install, had given up on zentyal and clearos and planned on building my own LAMP using Ubuntu server 14.04 with ownCloud v8 and a few other packages, but playing with nethserver, Iā€™m impressed and intrigued.

There is a feature for ownCloud 8 version, but I donā€™t know when it will be done.
If you are interested you can contribute to it also by developing it.

Otherwise you can install ownCloud 8 manually on NethServer:
php 5.4 is needed and the installation steps for NethServer are the same of CentOS by using scl.

Iā€™m looking forward to your experiments


Please, see http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories/SCL

That path completely defeats the purpose of making use of a distro such as nethserver, it starts to follow the path of what zentyal has done, running a side by side for php like that, even if the nethserver devs had built the distro that way Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be comfortable using it in production. Not a big deal to me, itā€™s just as easy to use nethserver as an all in one package for a smb server and spin up a separate instance of ubuntu 1404 w/ v8 owncloud.

What concerns me is that oC v was released with some unpublished security fixes a few weeks ago but nethserver is still on 7004, I updated all my oC 7 instances to 5 last week. I know the repositories in debian/ubuntu, but not centos/rh so Iā€™ll have to look into why that update isnā€™t available in the nethserver software center when I get a chance.

Owncloud guys are really nice and smart people but they release too quickly :wink:
Youā€™re right, update to is needed, so do you want to help us? You can simply add owncloud repositories on NethServer and update to if everything works well, updating NethServer repo could be really faster!
Community is working togheter, I get your point and if you lend me an hand we can accomplish this goal togheter :wink: right?
I guess that my friend @alessandro_polidori will want to be part of the game, isnā€™t it?


I moved 3 posts to a new topic: Upgrading OwnCloud to 7.0.5

Iā€™d like to check out the OC8 docker image: it is build on c6 with PHP from Remi.
Perhaps it is a more straight way to have the latest OC running.

Does anyone tried it?