Portuguese Brazil (pt-br) completed in Transifex

Portuguese Brazil (pt-br) completed in Transifex, please create packet to Nethserver



Excellent work @ibinetwork :beers:

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Such a good news! :+1:
We should create a team for Portuguese as well!
@Paulo_Rodrigues @alexcsilva @Jim @Renan_Azedo_de_Olive @zl4pro @lfgarrido are you available?


Oh no! Thanks for @alexcsilva . Most of translation by her!


Good news!!!

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We should change a little the RPM to add the new language.
Would you agree if we ship pt-br language inside the nethserver-lang-pt package?

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I think better to create a separate.

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@davidep will build the package in the next few days! :smile:


We’ve a missing feature on Nethgui framework: the country-code is ignored while fetching language catalogs :scream:

I’ll fix it ASAP!

Opened issue, ready for QA http://dev.nethserver.org/issues/3368

Can someone try this fix?
If it’s working, we can release the fix.

/cc @alexcsilva @ibinetwork @jgjimenezs

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What do you think of my proposal? Is there any coordinator who wants to step forward? @alexcsilva :point_left:

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excellent news @alexcsilva :+1: @alefattorini

As for now I can put @alexcsilva and @Renan_Azedo_de_Olive @ibinetwork into the group, do you agree?
Would you like to start off with translating the manual as the german guys?

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Hello everyone,

I just translate about 320 sentences that were pending in the translation of version 7 in Transifex. I have helped.

The language is 100% now.



Parabens Douglas!!!

Congratulations Douglas!!!


You deserve a Venkman!


Olá Pessoal,
Estou começando em NethServer (sou do mundo e-smith/SMEserver).
Lá no SME eu ajudo na documentação e tradução pra PT-BR.
Criei minha conta no Transiflex mas não sei como ajudar na tradução.
Se desejarem, me incluam no grupo.

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Bom dia Jader,

Me passa seu e-mail ou usuário do transifex que eu te adiciono no projeto.

Grato pela colaboração :wink:

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Olá, sou jader31 no transifex

Adicionado ao projeto :+1: