me and my friend @alefattorini want to introduce It is a new machine, serving this community and the RPM development process.
To ease the development process, starting from 6.7, every developer can upload an RPM to testing and nethforge-testing YUM repositories.
From the development process point of view, the developer can move an issue from MODIFIED to ON_QA state. [Yes, we need to update that documentation page].
To gain access to you have to send me your public SSH key (usually ~/.ssh/ on Linux systems). I’ll give back further informations about how to play with it!
Before releasing an official how-to, I’d prefer gather your experience and feedback. We’re waiting you!
Clearly, that’s a BIG step forward for our development process! Everyone could be actively involved in such experience, you can build your own package, push it on the repository and ask people to install and test it.
My proposal is: every member of dev_team can have his own key and the power
Howto become a dev_team member? As in all other teams asking to dev_team coordinator (open position so far), submitting a merged PR or patch is warmly appreciated