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Nope, thanks for you suggestion but I’d like to keep a unique place for our discussions! Facebook page is just a “megaphone” of community for social people
We had an Italian Group recently but It was not comparable to the power of discourse
@Nas the work on social networks are focused on the utilization of it as media to update people not involved in the community about last activity and on most interesting topics produced here.
Facebook Group can be considered as an alternative of discourse and its introduction could create a duplicated community area.
I agree with @alefattorini with the choice of maintaining a single place to focus community interests and its contributions.
But not for this reason we can’t interact also on social networks… it could be also fun!
But also without a Facebook Group, we can interact each others commenting and sharing post made on Nethserver Facebook Page… it could be also fun!
Guys I still looking for someone who can help me with social media and blog posts on NethServer is there anyone really good at that? Or you know someone who can help?