Community Junior Jobs

Hi ppl,
I want gather some junior jobs for newcomers and folks who have a few minutes to help NethServer Community
Can you help me? I’m trying to write down a short list but anyone can add new items (this post is wikified)
IMHO Junior Jobs should:

  • not require special skills
  • have a definite estimated time, it’s mandatory < 1hour
  • be not generic like an opinion but a real task



I try to pick up this task…

Good, assigned!

Someone else? Just added some quick jobs

Nice I might do some test …

once I freeeee myself from household works need to finish with by the end July I might jump in.

Coool keep it up guys…



Nooo, we can’t looking forward to you forever! ehehe :wink:
Come on! Shrug off your shackles! :rocket:


That’s great man! You deserve a great membership and a glorious title!

Woah, a lot of work here:


tnx mate! :sunglasses:


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Well done mate

@mabeleira do you want start with this?

Ehi folks, can you help me? I’m trying to write down a short list but anyone can add new items (the first post is wikified)

sure, i’ll check it

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I can help is the list up to date?

Sure, just updated. I’m planning to add more stuff

I’d like to bump up this topic since newcomers ask frequently how to help the project with something real and concrete.

  • not too high skills
  • have a precise estimated time, it’s mandatory < 1hour
  • be not generic like an opinion but a real task

Who wants to help me? @docs_team @quality_team @dev_team @translations_team

Some suggestions:

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Hi @alefattorini

A Howto to setup the firewall would be nice.

Agree but it’s not a Junior Jobs. It should be suggested here I think:
Creating Getting Started HowTos

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That’s a old discussion but I like to revive it, could you suggest me some Junior Jobs for newcomers?
As I described in the first post