I recently installed Zoneminder on my Nethserver. It works pretty well beside a few minor issues.
When MariaDb is running, Zoneminder would not start with the following log entries:
Failed to start Maria DB database server.
Dependency failed for ZoneMinder CCTV recording and security system.
Job zoneminder.service/start failed with result ‘dependency’.
Unit mariadb.service entered failed state.
mariadb.service failed.
After turning Maria db off at the Nethserver control panel ZoneMinder would start and run normal. On the Nethserver control panel mysqld shows as stopped.
I installed ZoneMinder following the steps from the wiki (https://wiki.nethserver.org/doku.php?id=userguide:zoneminder). I noticed the paths for images and events are on the / partition and not on the /home. Since ZoneMinder needs lots of disk space I suggest change the paths to /home/zoneminder.
Maybe someone could add an explanation on how to change the paths correctly?
Even I did the steps of changing php timezone there is still UTC-time logged in the DB.
Does anyone know of how to change this?
I read somewhere on the net to change the default jpeg library to get mmx support for better performance. How would this been done on Nethserver?
About issue #1: observed the same problem occasionally. If I can, will look into that over the weekend.
#2: /home is not used much in NethServer, most data is under /var/lib/nethserver. I join your call, if someone using zoneminder has changed the paths (or has some other useful tweaks) please share.
You’re probably right. The mysqld service is an hack. Back to ns7 early days I produced this ugly workaround to make our mysqld configuration backward-compatible: