Hi @davidp,
unfortunately are out of the office, sorry for the delay.
Zentyal Core version 2.2.11 (very old, ubuntu 10.04)
At the moment I do not have access to the NS, but I remember that Zentyal has no admin user.
Then I have other difficulties:
Zentyal LDAP runs without TLS / SSL and sssd not allow authentication
In Zentyal, the groups have an email address and the members of the groups are automatically routed.
The first point I resolved with LDAP over SSL, it is cumbersome but you can do.
For the second point I’m looking for a solution …
Did you set ldaps:// in “Accounts provider > Advanced settings”?
On ns6 was the same. On ns7 we cannot implement the same feature, but you could try one of the following solutions:
distribution list: define a mail alias and select a group as destination: when you save the group is immediately expanded to its members. It’s like you enter the members one by one.
shared mailbox: create a shared mailbox and assign it to a group. Then create a mail alias and select the shared mailbox as destination: members of the group can see the shared mailbox from their IMAP clients.