Zammad ticketing/helpdesk on Nethserver available

If I am not mistaking, a significant difference is that with your Zammad 5 module, Elasticsearch is included and active as for with the module with Zammad 4 it was not?

Also, Redis and/or Memcached is ‘recommended’ by Zammad. Any thoughts on that please?

Thanks again.

The Zammad 4 module already used Elasticsearch but Redis and Memcached were introduced with Zammad 5, see also Software — Zammad System Documentation documentation

Both are included as containers in the new Zammad 5 docker version.


Thanks. Is there an ‘easy’ way of starting the Zammad setup process? I made in a mistake in the email setup and now the admin account verification email is send to a black hole. So I can not login :slight_smile:

I tried starting from scratch by uninstalling the Z5 RPM, but I guess it does not remove everything to start from scratch?

Sorry for the tinkering behaviour.

To remove the volumes including the database and start all over you need to execute the following:

cd /opt/zammad-docker-compose

Remove containers and networks:

./docker-compose down

Remove volumes:

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q | grep zammad)

Restart Zammad containers:

signal-event nethserver-zammad5-update


Thank you.

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Hi @mrmarkuz, I believe there is a typo in your doc :

config setprop zammad5 VirtualHost zammad.domain.tld
should read
config setprop zammad VirtualHost zammad.domain.tld


Thanks, you are right, I corrected it.

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Additionally I had to add the nginx and worker containers to the aqua network otherwise fetching mails hosted on the same server would not work.

and also :

db dockrules set customName aqua TCPPorts 993,465 status enabled
signal-event firewall-adjust

Thanks again, I’m going to add the dockrules to an updated module.

The nginx container should already be added to the aqua network. Which worker container did you add?


It wasn’t.

Sorry I meant the scheduler container.


@mrmarkuz anyway to install your module without elasticsearch ? My server can’t handle that load.

Zammad provides an environnement variable for that : ELASTICSEARCH_ENABLED=false

Edit : that variable must be set for the zammad-init container, not in the .env file used by docker-compose.

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EDIT : tried again and I was wrong, the container is attached to the aqua network.

Thanks for your feedback.

I’m going to provide an option to disable elasticsearch.

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Hey mister markuz, how are you ? :slight_smile:

Do you think there is a safe way to upgrade to 6.1 ?

All the best


Hi Matthieu,

thanks, I’m fine, I hope you are too.

There’s a database container update (postgres 9.6 to 15) and one needs to migrate the db manually, see also Release v6.0.0 · zammad/zammad-docker-compose · GitHub

Unfortunately it didn’t work in first tests…maybe it needs to be updated in more steps?

I hope to provide a module update soon.

Here are my notes if you want to try it on a test VM (Zammad5-docker needs to be installed):

cd /opt/zammad-docker-compose
git checkout master
git pull
./docker-compose stop
docker container rm zammad-docker-compose-zammad-postgresql-1
docker volume rm zammad-docker-compose_postgresql-data
docker volume create zammad-docker-compose_postgresql-data
docker run -it --rm --name postgres-restore -v zammad-docker-compose_zammad-backup:/var/tmp/zammad:ro -v zammad-docker-compose_postgresql-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_USER=zammad -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=zammad postgres:15.0-alpine

# in a second shell run:

docker exec -it postgres-restore bash -c "ls -al /var/tmp/zammad/"
docker exec -it postgres-restore bash -c "psql -U zammad --command='CREATE DATABASE zammad_production'"

# Replace !!!ENTER_PSQL_FILE_NAME_FROM_COMMAND_ABOVE!!! correctly in following command:
docker exec -it postgres-restore bash -c "gunzip -kc /var/tmp/zammad/!!!ENTER_PSQL_FILE_NAME_FROM_COMMAND_ABOVE!!!_zammad_db.psql.gz | psql -U zammad -d zammad_production"

docker stop postgres-restore

# back in your first shell

./docker-compose up
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