Zabbix Server: different time values

NethServer Version: 7.7.1908 (final)
Module: Zabbix

Hi, I installed and configured a Zabbix server with different hosts and installed agents on my hosts.
my problem: inside of graphs or problem reports a wrong time value is displayed

[root@zabbix etc]# date
Sat May  2 12:43:23 CEST 2020
[root@zabbix etc]# date -u
Sat May  2 10:43:25 UTC 2020

displayed time in the dashboard clock: 12:43
displayed time inside graphs or other items: 10:43

How could I adjust the correct time (perhaps time zone) for the reports?

Best regards, Marko

Hi Marko,

My timezone is America/Montreal.

Chek if my timezone exist.

# ls -ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/ | grep Montreal

I set my timezone.

# timedatectl set-timezone America/Montreal


# ls -l /etc/localtime

Then for Zabbix.

# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf

        php_value date.timezone America/Montreal


# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf | grep "php_value date.timezone"

Restart Apache daemon.

# systemctl restart httpd.service


# systemctl status  httpd.service | grep Active

See page 43::
As usual Google translate is your friend !



Hi Michel-André,
I reproduced your tutorial.

verified and passed.

the time values are matching now.

Thanks a lot for your help, Marko

Hi Marko,

Glad it helps.

On my site, search for Zabbix.

There are 2 more PDF:

  1. Zabbix – Agents
  2. Émulateur ELM327

The thing I would like to have is a NethServer running Zabbix VM on a portable PC and connect it to a real ELM327 through the portable WIFI. Then I would be able to diagnose my car.


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