Z-push in Webtop 5 generates calendar errors

All nethserver works fine so far but already several times th mail app on my Phone hangs becaus of some corrupt item. Ussualy regarding agenda.

Errors as reported by z-push-error.log:

LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionPreviousConnectionFailed(): Command ‘Sync’ at 04/05/2017 19:00:39 with pid ‘1637’ terminated unexpectedly or is still running.
04/05/2017 19:01:18 [ 1636] [ERROR] [xxxx@xxxxx.xx] Please check your logs for this PID and errors like PHP-Fatals or Apache segmentation faults and report your results to the Z-Push dev team.
04/05/2017 19:01:25 [ 1636] [FATAL] [xxxx@xxxxx.xx] Fatal error: /usr/share/webtop/z-push/include/iCalendar.php:49 - require_once(): Failed opening required ‘XMLElement.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php’) (64)

Any clous on how to resolve?


Guus I’m so sorry for the late response.
@webtop_team do you have any clue about this?

Hello Alessio,

since it seems a calendar problem I for now don’t use the calendar function.
Furthermore I’ll wait for a solution.

Thanks for the reply


Hi Guus,
It should be a bug for z-push version currently present on WebTop5.

Try this workaround and let me know if I can solve it.

Download this:


Unpack it in an empty folder.

In your z-push, find the “include” folder: rename iCalendar.php in iCalendar.php.old.
This is precisely the file that generates the error in the log that you indicated, carried by awl in z-push, without having carried all the other php employees.

Then copy from the awl package, the contents of “inc” (there are various php: iCalendar.php, XMLElement.php …) inside z-push’s “include”.

Hello Luca,

made the changes as per your suggestion. Previous error disappeared but now my Phone gives a authentication error. So I deleted the account on my android Phone en made a new one but this didn’t solve it.
Could there be a relation with OTP security in webtop?

Logfile details:

29/05/2017 22:17:32 [ 2316] [FATAL] [guus@ijzereef.nl] Exception: (ProvisioningRequiredException) - Retry after sending a PROVISION command
29/05/2017 22:17:32 [ 2316] [FATAL] [guus@ijzereef.nl] Exception: (ProvisioningRequiredException) - Retry after sending a PROVISION command
29/05/2017 22:17:34 [ 1572] [FATAL] [guus@ijzereef.nl] Exception: (ProvisioningRequiredException) - Retry after sending a PROVISION command
29/05/2017 22:17:34 [ 1572] [FATAL] [guus@ijzereef.nl] Exception: (ProvisioningRequiredException) - Retry after sending a PROVISION command
29/05/2017 22:17:46 [ 1576] [FATAL] [unknown] Exception: (ProvisioningRequiredException) - Retry after sending a PROVISION command
29/05/2017 22:17:46 [ 1576] [FATAL] [unknown] Exception: (ProvisioningRequiredException) - Retry after sending a PROVISION command
29/05/2017 22:17:46 [ 1574] [FATAL] [unknown] WBXML debug data: AwFqAAAORUZHSANNUy1FQVMtUHJvdmlzaW9uaW5nLVdCWE1MAAEBAQE=
29/05/2017 22:17:46 [ 1574] [FATAL] [unknown] WBXML debug data: AwFqAAAORUZHSANNUy1FQVMtUHJvdmlzaW9uaW5nLVdCWE1MAAEBAQE=
29/05/2017 22:17:46 [ 1574] [FATAL] [unknown] Exception: (AuthenticationRequiredException) - Access denied. Username or password incorrect
29/05/2017 22:17:46 [ 1574] [FATAL] [unknown] Exception: (AuthenticationRequiredException) - Access denied. Username or password incorrect
29/05/2017 22:17:46 [ 2185] [FATAL] [unknown] Exception: (ProvisioningRequiredException) - Retry after sending a PROVISION command
29/05/2017 22:17:46 [ 2185] [FATAL] [unknown] Exception: (ProvisioningRequiredException) - Retry after sending a PROVISION command
29/05/2017 22:17:47 [ 2315] [FATAL] [unknown] WBXML debug data: AwFqAAAORUZHSANNUy1FQVMtUHJvdmlzaW9uaW5nLVdCWE1MAAEBAQE=
29/05/2017 22:17:47 [ 2315] [FATAL] [unknown] WBXML debug data: AwFqAAAORUZHSANNUy1FQVMtUHJvdmlzaW9uaW5nLVdCWE1MAAEBAQE=
29/05/2017 22:17:47 [ 2315] [FATAL] [unknown] Exception: (AuthenticationRequiredException) - Access denied. Username or password incorrect
29/05/2017 22:17:47 [ 2315] [FATAL] [unknown] Exception: (AuthenticationRequiredException) - Access denied. Username or password incorrect

Hope hearing from you soon

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Hi, after deleting your account on the phone, you may also want to delete all the z-push data from the syncrhonization settings panel in Webtop.
Here you will be able to list the known devices and delete their sync data.
Then try creating the account from scratch.

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Hello Gabrielle,

that does do the trick, removed sync data, newly created the account on my Phone.

Al works fine including calendar items

Thanks all for the support
