Yarn cannot download packages for building ui on github

When pushing apps I get an error on github at building the UI:

Yarn wants to download from https://registry.nlark.com which is not available anymore.
I didn’t find a way to download from an alternative registry…

This node repository seems an unofficial repo of registry.npmmirror.com for what I read on some post. No clues why we do not use it directly

@andre8244 can you explain ?

What you could try is to replace any registry.nlark.com by registry.npmmirror.com

Vscode can do this for you easily

When you use the url of registry.npmmirror.com you will see a json object

However I do not understand why your first build succeed and not the former 2 hours later. If you do not have broken something by adding npm package this is something we will see elsewhere I think on other packages

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The only file including registry.nlark.com is yarn.lock…

I think the site still worked when I did the first build and then went offline.

I had the same issue with another app: Switch to bitnami images · mrmarkuz/ns8-moodle@1d2bbc0 · GitHub

I tried again now - still same error.

Well, the TLD FQDN ends up in China.

China loves npm

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We have had a similar issue with registry.npm.taobao.org that we replaced by registry.npmmirror.com IIRC

Replace all occurrences in the yarn.lock then commit and give a try again

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Thanks, that worked!

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@davidep we could have a PR storm soon if the repo will not back inline

This node repository seems an unofficial repo of registry.npmmirror.com for what I read on some post. No clues why we do not use it directly

@andre8244 can you explain ?

IIRC when Yarn installs/updates dependencies tries to find the fastest mirror to speed up the process


kikstart on my repo is fixed

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