Windows update broke trust relationship & NLA error

Hi All,

Since applying the July cumulative updates KB5028166 (win10 22h2) and KB5028185 (win11 22h2) we can no longer log authenticate to our nethserver domain.

We are seeing two error.

1 - In PDQ - The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed
2 - When we try and Remote into a workstation we get the following error - The remote computer that your trying to connect to requires NLA but your windows domain controller cannot be contacted to perform NLA.

We have always had NLA enabled.

Once I uninstall those KB’s I can RDP into the computer’s.

Please advise.


"very annoying. just debugged and after I saw Bad switch value 2 at librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_netlogon.c:7652 I immediately found this bug report.

Hope Microsoft takes back this update asap since it will take at least a half year until a fix for this will be downstream"

Rollback and block KB.

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Possibly related to CVE-2022-38023.

Some other reports:

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I have opened and issue just to track the whole thing in NethServer project: Samba AD: Windows 10/11 lost trust relationship · Issue #6755 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

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WSUS could be of real help holding problematic Windows updates and even removing them

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WSUS could be of real help holding problematic Windows updates and even removing them

I’ve been using WSUS for a few years, and I really found it to be a PitA :slight_smile:

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There’s a patch available that seems to work


If someone feels really brave, I’ve created an rpm with the patch: spec: temporary patch from upstream by gsanchietti · Pull Request #115 · NethServer/nethserver-dc · GitHub

This is highly experimental and without any warranty or support


I have a new RPM which includes the latest patch from upstream, you can find it here: Samba 4.16.10 + fix for upstream 15418 by gsanchietti · Pull Request #115 · NethServer/nethserver-dc · GitHub


A fix for NethServer package is ready: Samba AD: Windows 10/11 lost trust relationship · Issue #6755 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

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Great work staying up on the Samba teams developments and for getting the patch included here in NethServer. Is this updated samba rpm now included in the official software update channel if we checked for updates within our Nethserver web gui? Or does it still have to go through more testing on your end before it reaches that stage? Any ETA on that side of this?

The package is still in testing, you can install it using:

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-dc

We already received some good feedback, we are going to release it soon.

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First of all, thanks for contributing to the entire community. In our case I have a version of Samba 4.13 (Centos8). Is it possible to apply this solution? If possible, I would appreciate your help. Thank you .

Hello Metaverse and welcome to NethServer community!

Samba team is preparing the official releases, but I think they are going to backport the patch only from Samba 4.16.
I can’t help you on CentOS 8 packages, you should look for the original RPM package maintainer :wink:

The fix has been released.

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Hi Giacomo, thank you for the heads up.
I ran yum update but have no available update and

#  yum info nethserver-dc
Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror, nethserver_events
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * ce-base:
 * ce-extras:
 * ce-sclo-rh:
 * ce-sclo-sclo:
 * ce-updates:
 * epel:
 * nethforge:
 * nethserver-base:
 * nethserver-updates:
Installed Packages
Name        : nethserver-dc
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 1.9.1
Release     : 1.ns7
Size        : 17 M
Repo        : installed
From repo   : nethserver-updates
Summary     : NethServer Domain Controller configuration
URL         :
License     : GPLv3+
Description : NethServer Samba 4 Domain Controller configuration

This is because you’re hitting a mirror:


Mirrors are synchronized every ~6 hours.

You can change the the yum configuration to disable mirrorlist and enable baseurl to point directly to the master mirror: nethserver-release/root/etc/e-smith/templates/etc/yum.repos.d/NethServer.repo/10base at 55132ed6eccdac15b3b53632be8daad21cfcbcdc · NethServer/nethserver-release · GitHub


Ok, patiently waited and applied the upgrade. Can confirm everything is back to normal.


Any fix chance for NS6 version?