Windows client unable to join nsdc domain, domain controller cannot be contacted

Wanting to throw out Zentyal, I downloaded and installed nethserver 7.2 RC2. Running as a VM under VirtualBox on Linux Mint 17.I have only one NIC defined. Unattended installation went fine, and all basic LAN settings configured. All patches and updates ran fine. In software centre I installed: Account Provider Samba Active Directory, Backup, Basic Firewall, File Server.

I created a share called test (test share) DNS and DHCP seem to be running fine, dhcp clients can resolve hostnames on LAN, and Internet access is fine from server and clients.
Nethserver is nethserver.mydomain.lan IP
nsdc-nethserver.mydomain.lan exists, IP

client can successfully ping both nethserver and nethserver.mydomain.lan.
Pinging nsdc-nethserver.mydomain.lan, resolves to, but no reply.
I am unable to access using ssh on port 2222 or 22.

Joining a Windows 7 client to mydomain.lan, reports failed. The lookup returned the correct hostname nsdc-nethserver.mydomain.lan, but says cannot be contacted, or no response.

Is there a special firewall rule that has to be made to allow access to /from nsdc-nethserver?
The share is visible.

Also, strange that NS is the Primary and only DEC for my AD domain, I would have expected to see some existing user groups in the list, such as administrators, domain admins, something. The only ones are ones I created. User sdministrator is there, but belongs to no groups?

Setting up a “Active Directory” is not easy. But you can have a look at the following link to see how to setup a “Samba Server” as an “Active directory”.

Samba Settings as an “Active Directory”

In addition, you can only register Windows professional or higher in an “Active Directory”.

regards Mario

Did you set the bridge in promiscuous mode?

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What could also be interesting - SAMBA-SWAT.

Thanks for this. I have now set it as promiscuous mode “allow all” instead of “allow VM’s”.
Now I get ping responses!. And I have now joined the machine to the domain. Thank you for this help.


Thanks, Mario. Yes, all machines are professional. I have very extensive experience with MS operating systems, but this Nethserver is a project designed to get me (and a bunch of clients) away from that as far as possible. Since the demise of Windows SBS I have been trying various things in the Linux arena to find an acceptable Exchange environment. Here’s hoping Nethserver is our friend!

This link provides detailed instructions for a manual setup of SAMBA. However, as Nethserver has already installed it, I am loathe to run too much of this, for fear of breaking that which is already running. I take it there is not a Samba config tool built into nethserver, but I could try to use SAMBA-SWAT?