Hi There, i was wondering if/when SOGo 5.9.0 will be available for testing through nethforge testing, right now i still see 5.8.4 in that repo.
Does anyone have any information on that?
All the best
thank for the hint
Sure, hoping that we can test soon, as 5.9.0 is needed for compatibility with macOS Sonoma which has been released in September.
Thanks a lot
all the best
no checked, what surprises does SOGO will reserve us
Ideal moment to abandon Apple
/me runs… (JK)
How the change of browsing OS is critical for sOGO?
Are you aware of what dear Cupertino twisted outsidein?
I’ld choose to abondon SoGo.
I never understood their emphasis on using MS ActiveSync to connect Smartphones, even if it’s not exactly using MS-code, it is using a reverse engineered MS protocoll, something I consider unneeded for smartphones…
After all, Microsoft was NEVER able to establish a mobile / smartphone standard, nor ever got their phone environment close to 10% market share. In the phone world, they always were a nobody!
My 2 cents
seems to work, thank to @stephdl for the update !!!
You are aware that you can use SOGo with card-/caldav on Android as well? No need to use the Activesync part of Sogo as long as you have Android or iOS phones.
As far as I know, Activesync support in SOGo comes from times where we still used featurephones, that often supported Activesync, but did not support the card-/caldav protocols. I think this argument is still valid today, if you use a featurephone.
I am aware SoGo could use CrdDAV / CalDAV. Only they (SoGo, and it’s fans, even here) almost always “pushed” their ActiveSync capabilities, also proponents of SoGo always “yapped” about ActiveSync…
Is what you term “Featurephones” including MS “WinCE”? Why do you think I HATE ActiveSync?
→ These belong in museums, but OFFLINE !!!
I am well aware of the fact that CalDAV and CrdDAV are esentially Apple additions to WebDAV, and both protocolls work out of the box on Apple products (iPhones, IPads and Macs).
They also work on Android based products, but AFAIK only in library form (usable only if you’re a programmer!). Google uses those protocolls internally, but do not open them on the interfaces for eg Calendar or Adressbook (Apple has these open!). You need to buy third party Apps to use these common protocolls…
Most Smartphones (Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android) today DO support ActiveSync, but I really do not see any advantage of using a reverse-engineered protocoll to replace well known and documented open source protocolls which just WORK !!!
My 2 cents
There are good apps, e.g. davx5, which do the synchronization on Android. No programming needed, works reliably. But you are right, requires a one time purchase of a few €.
Some history: when I set up a SOGo server for the first time, it was using a component called funambol for the mobile sync, and we used Nokia phones with Symbian OS as sync clients. The whole synchronization was not very stable, and it was a great step forward when SOGo replaced funambol with ActiveSync, which actually worked…
Hi @jaywalker
You’re evoking memories of a time long past, not a couple of years back, but a millenium earlier (!)…
I also recall Funambol, I was playing around it without SoGo. Never really got it stable…
I was also dabbling around with Symbian (Remember “the Brick”, the Nokia Communicator 9500?), but also with it’s predecessor, from Psion. (I was using Psion Communicators before the Nokia Brick).
I was also dabling around with WinCE boxes, and ActiveSync either duplicated my calendar / Adressbook several times or erased several contents… It was a PITA.
At the time, MS-ActiveSync suffered from a programming lapse (Bug, not Feature ), and did not take into consideration that often companies using MS Exchange also used Outlook based Exchange accounts at home. The ActiveSync at home synched these to the PDA, at the Office were synched again th the same resource, Exchange (Via Outlook & ActiveSync).
For those interested: The programming error was use of a variable as unique-ID, containing, as part of the variables name:
- Source (The Exchange account in the background, on both sites A and B the same company Exchange server!
- Host (The PC or Notebook synching)
- Local-Target (PDA local synched account)
Due to the precense of the Host in the variable, ActiveSync often thought these were seperate repositories and synched them in Full, resulting in an additional copy with every usage of ActiveSync…
Really bad, beginner like programming, forgetting relevance of building blocks in the variable name!
All in all, still a fun time, and watching technologies establish themselves was a fascinating aspect!
My 2 cents