Why the Netserver Webgui doesn't have a favicon?

I’d put

 <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="/usr/share/nethesis/nethserver-manager/images/favicon.png" />

But it’s not work
I’d try to replace the existing line by

<link rel="icon"  type="image/png"  href="/usr/share/nethesis/nethserver-manager/images/favicon.png" />

With the same result… Not work

href value is a web URL, not a filesystem path!

It should a sort of https://server_name:980/images/favicon.png ?

Edit: how to find this path? As server_name can be everything?

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PHP knows it: copy the href value from the line below

<?php echo $view['favicon'] ?>

I will continue tomorrow

Tomorrow, tomorrow…

Now that I’ve got a NS Vm, I will do this junior job :persevere:

it seem that it’s more vicious yet that I think :mask:
Here, the Favicon is present:

Here, it’s absent:

There are tree workaround:

  • There are an HTML5 recommendation ignored by Apple and Google.
  • Ios5 and above, and some Android devices use <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="somepath/image.png" />
  • Safari, on OS X, seem work but with a function WebClip that bring another problem.

Can I recommend the traditional favicon.ico solution?

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Why there’s a favicon.png is in /etc :laughing: