Who receives the root email

Maybe I have missed something, but I wonder how read the root’s email…since the user admin needs a credential, do I need to use the admin user ?

many services send email to root, hence my interest.

thank in advance.

I have smart host configured to send the email to my personal gmail account and selecting ‘always send a copy to bcc’. I get all relevant notifications; such as this morning the freshclam log failed to rotate due to a locked process. freshclam was updated yesterday on both my servers. I corrected one yesterday and fixed the other after receiving the email this morning.

Though in my setup, I don’t use NS as a mail server. Mail is only configured to send messages based on errors that require my attention. Otherwise the system runs without any issues.

You can change the forward address from the web interface: top right corner -> Profile -> External mail address.

If not set, messages will be derived to local mailbox.

@davidep: am I missing something?

Right @giacomo , root’s External mail address is set on /etc/aliases, if mail-server is not installed and on /etc/postfix/aliases if mail-server is installed.

email message will be forwarded even if no mail features are installed?

Yes, postfix is always installed.

Incidentally, I did not realize that. I’ll update the admin profile with my email address and see if I get any additional mails that I wasn’t getting earlier.