Who needs a little joke today?

Not a new video. But a recent one.

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Mock JavaScript libraries

Source : When programmers get weird: The funniest code projects on GitHub

In the world of programming, developers are always trying to make things easier. They often do this by writing libraries, which are extensions of programming languages that handle simple, common tasks. Libraries give programmers an easy way to do these common tasks without writing the code themselves. When libraries become ubiquitous, as many have in JavaScript, it makes it easier for newcomers to use the language, but they might not actually know what they are doing. As a result, they often end up using libraries for performing operations that JavaScript could handle on its own.

In response, some developers created mock libraries, which served as both funny jokes and meaningful commentary on the scourge of real libraries:

  • vapor.js is a JavaScript library that contains zero lines of code. On its project page, it’s billed as “The World’s Smallest & Fastest JavaScript Library.”
  • semicolon.js is “a more secure and reliable vapor.js.” Rather than containing zero lines of code, semicolon.js contains a semicolon.
  • Similarly, vanilla.js is a JavaScript compiler that compiles JavaScript into JavaScript. That is, it does nothing. But its GitHub page was convincing enough to confuse this innocent programmer.

Enjoy the Slowness of the Load

It’s for those who think that since their Internet is too fast, and thinks that the web pages load too fast in their browsers.


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Copyright The Last Of Us, TV-Series Edition.

How a computer get drunk?
Too many screenshots


SIAE (former copyright monopolist for music and some more in Italy) didn’t reach any licence agreement with Meta.
Why this should be a joke?
The declaration.

SIAE is asked to accept a unilateral proposal from Meta, regardless of any transparent and shared assessment of the actual value of the repertoire.
This position, together with Meta’s refusal to share information relevant to a fair agreement, is clearly contrary to the principles enshrined in the EU Copyright Directive for which authors and publishers across Europe worked hard.
This decision is striking, given the ongoing negotiations, and in any case the full availability of SIAE to subscribe to transparent conditions the license for the correct use of protected content. This openness is demonstrated by the fact that SIAE has continued to seek an agreement with Meta in good faith, despite the platform being without a license as of January 1, 2023

SIAE will not accept impositions from a subject that exploits its position of strength to obtain savings to the detriment of the Italian creative industry

(automated translation, slightly reviewed from me. Don’t quote SIAE on that)

Do you remember the Loki phrase from “The Avengers”?

An ant has no quarrel with a boot.

Which has been the “standard pitch” for SIAE as copyright management entity. Nice with big artists, strong and quite bossy with smaller ones and customers.
Now it’s no more a monopolist, but there’s still a fee called “Equo Contributo SIAE” (Fair compensation) on every single device that can store data in digital way sold by italian entities. Optical discs, hard drives, flash drives, SSDs. Even backup copy fees … feds SIAE.

So. Now is no monopolyst anymore. And now they dress up like artist’s advocates, but… they only want more money.
I think that Meta told them

An ant has no quarrel with a boot.

Maybe they’re not used with that kind of memo?

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For who’s demanding “Are in Italy quite dumb”?

My answer is “you can bet on that”
(and I am italian)

Maybe the Portuguese because of the languange and of the images

In the last months, several adjectives have been used for describe beahaviour and personality of the current main stakeholder of the company once named twitter.
Recently the behavior lead to a wonderful italian (non that… quite italian, but close to) word glued to the chioices of that man. “Rosicone”. Which should be described as “badly envyous dude which cannot stand that your doing something that he don’t like. So it gnaws hard not only with teeth and try to create obstacles to you and piss you off a lot”.
You can ask to Substack for details, about the new function “notes”, available since tuesday.
I think that this man want to steal the title “biggest a$$h0£€ in the tech industry history”, currently held by a man born in S. Francisco.


Update on this “joke” Saga.
Italian Antitrust Authority said…
I beg your pardon…

Therefore, the Authority has ordered that Meta resume negotiations immediately, maintaining a behavior inspired by the canons of good faith and correctness and provide all the necessary information to allow SIAE to restore balance in the commercial relationship with Meta.
AGCM - Autorita' Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato
Source, translated by an automated translator.
This is a press release.

I’m not really that fond of Meta. Or SIAE. Whatever.
Antitrust impose to Meta to keep negotiating with some counterpart who said “you must gave me this
Lateally speaking, is trying to force a company to relate. Weird at least, and I have a lot of terms to tell about how this … order seems to me.





Réf: Escroquerie en cours : Pas plus d’urgence climatique anthropique que de beurre en branche



Happy mother’s day!


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Exim. One word for say “Sendmail was great, let’s do that again… but way better”.

Sort of.

(Hoping the best for all Exim installation and mailadmins, for have effective patch… soon)
Edit. Now not hoping that much.
According to the article…

While ZDI reported the vulnerability to the Exim team in June 2022 and resent info on the flaw at the vendor’s request in May 2023, the developers failed to provide an update on their patch progress.

According to ZDI

06/14/22 – ZDI reported the vulnerability to the vendor.

04/25/23 – ZDI asked for an update.

Exim team quite sat on the report. Sofa or chaise longue, I suppose.
Forecasts for the project are not good IMO.

Edit 2 (and last)

My understanding (so far, after looking a bit into what information is publically available about it) is that it heavily depends on the actual configuration and will probably only affect a tiny percentage of servers.

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you call that a keyboard? THIS is a keyboard… (inspired by Crocodile Dundee)