Where can I find repositories?

I installed the NethServer v6.6 on Virtualbox.
I’d like to know the source and binary repositories of NetServer.

Ehi @xing211,
welcome on NethServer Community and thank you for asking support!
I’m not sure I understand the request, what you wish to accomplish? Why do you need source and binary repositories?
They’d be already enabled and available by default.

If you are searching for source and binary rpms, here you are:

All code is available on github: https://github.com/nethesis/

Thank you, Giacomo.

I downloaded and installed the NethServer 6.6 RC 1.
While installing, I found that NethServer 6.6 installed only 205 packages by anaconda.
I confirmed that ISO includes only 245 packages(rpms) from nethserver-6.6-rc1-x86_64.iso.
There are no packages related to nethserver(nethserver-*.rpm) in it.

How can I have a nethserver-gui? yum? if so, are there any group related to nethserver packages from repos?

Something wrong happens. :-\ It’s not a normal behavior, can you try to reinstall?

You can try to follow this document to install NethServer on a plain CentOS: http://docs.nethserver.org/en/v6.6/installation.html#install-on-centos