When will the Nextcloud finally be updated?

NethServer Version: NS 8
Module: Nextcloud Version 1.1.6

Hi @developers

My Nextcloud instance is currently giving me a warning message on the screen.

“Your installed version is no longer supported. Please update to a supported version as soon as possible.”

When can I expect an update?



What version IS installed? Nextcloud version showed within Nextcloud admin overview. 1.1.6 is the NS8 Module version.

Actually is Hub 6 (27.1.7)

The current version available is 27.1.11

This version is only from Februari oft his year. I am unsure why nextcloud gives such a strong worded warning.

I don’t know that either. But I pay for two subscriptions. So it would be nice to be brought up to date promptly.

It is the last release of version 27 (hub 6), which entered EOL this week.

As such, it is the last release of Nextcloud for ns7.

We’re releasing it in the next days for both ns7 and ns8, to keep the migration working.

Then ns8 will step into NC 28 hub 7.


Hi @davidep,

Now that’s a reliable announcement. Thank you for that.

Now it’s a month later and it’s not showing.
Is there already a concrete date?

The issue entered the QA stage today

If you want to lend a hand, follow the Test case section or just monitor the issue progress for updates.


Just upgraded an existing NS8 installation:

  • Enabled testing in default repo

  • Update Nextcloud1 instance

  • Disabled testing repo in default

All seems to run fine. No issues in the logs, but some on the admin page:

@mrmarkuz I did not test OnlyOffice integration yet.


Done and completed with the same results as @LayLow describes.


Grazie ragazzi! Great job!

If I understand correctly you tested point 4 of Steph’s QA annotations

  • For ns7 users, there’s also the ns7 RPM to test for update and new installation, annotated at point 1 and 2.

  • For ns8 there’s the new installation to check. Point 3.

Yes, this was my way.

Onlyoffice works without problems after update nextcloud to version 1.1.7.

Regards and a sunny Sunday…
