I’m a huge twitter fan because I’m following many interesting people who provide me a lot of valuable contents!
I’d like to follow some of you, what’s your twitter, g+ or Github account? Please reply below
This is mine http://twitter.com/ale_fattorini and I’m used to tweeting about Community Management, OpenSource, Linux Customer Service, Productivity Tips and obviously NethServer stuff!
Irc…i’m old school
I have a phone you can call me
Railway station, pub and so on…
Why? Don’t you think that irc is the best social network after the real life?
Real life, ok but either with a pretty girl or with friends and beers
Edit, in fact I use email, rss, irc…no much more…no FB, no tweet, Github is just for me a way to share code, not a social network.
@alefattorini you have got my home address you can knock on my door
Does anybody want access to my Bulletin board system (time to find some old 56k PCI modems) or alternativly I can give you my HAM radio handle
Seriously, the only social network I do use is Linkedin. I mainly use RSS, e-mail, YouTube and various forums.
I have a Facebook account but don’t use it and a Google account (only for spam e-mails and youtube history / comments).
Mi Social network is Futbol, asado (bbq meat tipical here in Uruguay) and
OK guys you’re very funny people!
This is my real social platform, drinking Italian wine with @Alessandro_Gaggiano @giacomo and @CharlieWhiting (hope you like my Trello shirt!)
I like to be social with them: Pinot Nero, Cabernet Sauvignon, Nebbiolo, Nerello, Cannonau, Sangiovese, Aglianico.
stuff based on XMPP like Jappix
and stuff decentralized like RedMatrix