What is needed from an app to be considered?

Continuing the discussion from Guacamole Package?:

I’m still getting my head around requirements with regards to adding new modules.
Is there a document or would someone be able to list of me what is needed from an App before it would be considered for nethserver? It sounds like an .rpm file is a must. Anything else you look for?

a Centos7 rpm from known repo… if actively managed and developed is better
some good howto
no compiling or other “strange” procedure to install/setup
no need for bleeding edge releases of services (C7 and RH are very conservative on this side)
nothing that will replace core daemons

(not in this order)

virtually, any C7 package can be installed… be aware that some can break your server, none will have a web gui in NS server manager (but could have its own)


I would add another consideration: how many people will use the new package?

If the number is low, better start with an howto. Whenever the application become critical, is probably the right time to convert it on a supported package.

Charles, do you we need to publish a document somewhere with these guidelines?

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I’d start a conversation suggesting the new app. You have to convince the community first :slight_smile:
After that, writing a howto can show you what installing that new software involves.

Go for it. Guacamole, urbackup, fail2ban, savapage are great examples of that process.