Weird entry on traffic monitor

Today i was cheking the real time traffic and i found this entry:

0.25 kbps

IPv6 Is disabled both LAN and Wan side.
This Is very strange.
How could be possible?
Thank you.

I have these entries too.
How did you disable IPv6? I guess that some of the local network devices still advertise their local IPv6 address.

To list the IPv6 addresses in your network:

ping6 -c2 -n -I eth0 ff02::1

Probably, IPv6 is enabled on the client, it’s a link-local address (fe80 prefix).

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This command result in error…

root@fir:~# ping6 -c2 -n -I eth0 ff02::1
PING ff02::1 (ff02::1): 56 data bytes
ping6: sendto: Network unreachable

But if i do ifconfig,
ifb-dns and tunrw1 has an IPv6 address. Is it ok?

Sorry, it’s not working on the firewall, you need to run it on another linux device in the network.
Also eth0 needs to be changed to the LAN interface on that device.

Yes, I think so.

11 of 19 devices in my network has an IPv6 configured, proxmox ct and VM too, all fe80…

Simply on network interface configuration in ui, both on LAN and Wan

What’s your issue with IPv6 link local addresses?

You could completely disable IPv6 on those devices/VMs but some of them may require IPv6. NS7 for example also used IPv6 internally (unbound)

I don’t have issues with IPv6, only weird to see an IPv6 on network scan in nethsec

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