Weekly welcome to new members - 11 Jul 16

Heloooooo Pirates of the NethServerian Sea!!
we’re are enjoying so much these days, we’re On The Road towards NethServer 7 Beta 1 and there is huge buzz about this new release.

Well, new members! Do you know what is happenning here? Every Monday we welcome our new friend (20 this time!) asking them to feel immediately comfortable and prepared to post about what they are looking for or what they need help with.

It’s very likely that next week we’re hitting our first 1000 members! :heart_eyes:

If you’re new here, hi! Welcome to NethServer. Make yourselves at home. If you’re feeling up to it, please comment below.
Tell us:

  • Who are you?
  • What you’re working on?
  • What brings you to NethServer?

Cool? Reaaaaaady, go!
Looking at you:



I am Loren Tedford I host multiple servers and just ran across you guys yesterday putting nethserver to the test…


Ehi Loren, glad to see you here and thanks for breaking the ice.
Where are you from? What do you do?
Hope you stick around for a while, you won’t regret it

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Oh I think i will stay around loving the web gui has made my job 100% easier I Live in Southern IL USA


:wink: good to know!
Which kind of job? Do you have a hosting service or an IT company?


Actually I do not work at this time… I have been hosting my own sites and personal hobbies etc…

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Interesting! We have so many friends here who use NethServer for personal use :slight_smile:

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It was a very rocky start but I was able to manage with a combination of threads out their dealing with the webserver topics and gateway issues…

Welcome boys and girls to this great family, a big hug to everyone. Please feel how at home.

I invite a coffee :coffee:


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Very good, I have a similar design to Nethserver, however, I use Webmin to manage it and this project will help me a lot. I’m a week studying all the Nethserver, I would love to be able to help.


@Francenildo_Pereira congrats you’re in, what brings you to the community? How would you like to be involved?

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@alefattorini This issue of the development of the firewall and multi-link has attracted me a lot, I have great knowledge in Shell Script, Sed, Awk. I’m studying now Perl and PHP.
For now I’ll continue testing …