Good morning NethServer Family
I sincerely don’t know what’s the weather like there but here leaves are falling and looks like autumn has finally arrived.
Anyway, we’re not here to talk about the weather but to welcome the new faces that have joined the family last week, because every Monday I personally welcome our new blood asking them to feel immediately comfortable and prepared to post about what they are looking for or what they need help with.
I was looking for a different solution to install on my clients! I think i found one! I like it very much!
I´m a 33 year old network analyst, i´m currently working at home with some small business here in brazil and angola! I like dogs and photos i think thats all!? My photos are hosted here for free if anyone want´s them:
I was tired of getting to block https traffic(youtube/facebook) with dns/hosts, and i found nethserver as a great substitute for clearos. Oh, and i love the more simplistic look
Installed the Beta Version, once the current version was freezing during installation on my supermicro server. Beta is just working fine, some issues with outgoing pptp conections and openvpn won´t access some network devices i have like (time clock and dvr).
Thank you all! I really like, by far the best firewall solution i´ve tested.
Tested IPFire , clearos, smoothwall, pfsense, forefront tmg and isa2006 (lol), ipcop. And by far, the best is NethServer!
Ehi Pier,
happy to see you here! Did we chat at Nethesis Meeting right?
Welcome, keep hanging around and I promise you won’t regret it. Wonderful things happen here